Question Rtx 2060 frames dropping out of no where

Jul 4, 2019
2 days ago i noticed my FPS would drop dramatically while playing, at first i thought it might be the game I’m playing so i decided to restart it but the frames were still dropping, i tried uninstalling all my Nvidia drivers and reinstalling them but nothing changed it’s affected every game i played, help me please idk what else to do I’m new to pc
-Gigabyte z390ud
-i5 9600k not oc
-ddr4 16gb 3000 mhz
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PC Tailor

Please post entire system spec including PSU make and model.

Have you monitored GPU and CPU (individual cores, not whole package) temps and usage under load?
Do you have all other latest drivers installed?
Do you have latest BIOS installed?
Jul 4, 2019
Please post entire system spec including PSU make and model.

Have you monitored GPU and CPU (individual cores, not whole package) temps and usage under load?
Do you have all other latest drivers installed?
Do you have latest BIOS installed?
my psu is a evga 600br 80+, and yes i do have the latest bios installed and all other latest drivers installed, my gpu and cpu temps have been around 50 C being the highest

PC Tailor

Well the BR series PSU are poor, and poor quality power supplies can cause these kind of issues. But you'd sooner look at other items first.

Have you monitored GPU, CPU, RAM, and DISK usage whilst the frame drops occur?
Are you running an overclock anywhere?
Jul 4, 2019
Well the BR series PSU are poor, and poor quality power supplies can cause these kind of issues. But you'd sooner look at other items first.

Have you monitored GPU, CPU, RAM, and DISK usage whilst the frame drops occur?
Are you running an overclock anywhere?
While playing fornite my ,CPU and Disk usage are still the same compared to when my fps were doing fine however my GPU was 10 percent higher then usual and so was my RAM, nothing is being over clocked
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Jul 10, 2019
First, glad to answer your question!

I think you may check these things:
  1. windows 10 update function keep off
  2. make sure ssd/hdd will not be bottle neck
  3. windows power management turn to performance mode , not balance mode
  4. make sure dual-channel memory
  5. make sure power supply enough, suggest 550Watt or more
  6. some game need multi-thread ,six thread may be not enough, so try to overclock cpu
  7. some time the problem may cause by the game itself, it not be well optimized by engineer, thats not your problem