Question RTX 2060 Gaming Z vs RTX 2070 Gaming Z

Dec 2, 2018
Hello guys, I'm going to buy a new gpu for 1440p mostly on a Dell s2719dgf.. and I'm between the msi rtx 2060 z vs the msi rtx 2070 z.. the 2060 worth 395$ and the 2070 590$.. is the difference in performance worth 200 bucks or should I go with the 2060 instead? My pc has 16gb trident z rgb 3kmhz / i5 9600k / z390 msi tomahawk
That panel is 144Hz native, can be overclocked to ~155Hz.
A 2060 is roughly 1070-1070TI territory, so Medium(ish) settings at that resolution/refresh rate, on average IMO (depending on the title, of course).

A 2070 is the stronger card, but I don't think you're going to get to 144Hz+ and High settings
A 2070 should net between 15-20% improvement in frame rate.... but for roughly +50% more money, I don't think it would be "worth it", no.