RTX 2060 + i7-4700k bottleneck?


Feb 16, 2015

I currently have a 1070 + i7-4700k and it works just fine. I'm considering ugrading my whole computer, but I'm also thinking about just buying the RTX 2060 when it comes out. Will my 4770 bottleneck? And how much better will my games run if I upgrade my CPU as well?

Not a very good upgrade at all, certainly not worth the money. The 2060 barely outperforms the 1070 in most games and has less VRAM. If I were you I would save up for a meaningful upgrade to say a 2080 maybe 2070.

To answer your question if the 4770 does not bottleneck a 1070 in the games you play it likely isn't going to bottleneck a 2060 because it does not perform all that much better.

As for a cpu upgrade your performance uplift will depend on the games you play. The 4770 is still a pretty capable CPU, it will only hold back a gpu like a 1070 or better in newer very cpu heavy game, AC Odyssey for example.

Thanks for answer! Will consider buying the 2080. I assume this will lead to having to upgrade my CPU?

What are your opinions on motherboard, ram, etc? I'm thinking of buying everything new instead of just the CPU and GPU.