[SOLVED] RTX 2060 or RTX 2060 super??

Jun 21, 2020
Hey there, I am from The Netherlands and plan on buying a new graphics card when I wake up tomorrow.. So I've been debating with myself which one I should buy. It' between the Gigabyte RTX 2060 OC Gaming pro 3x Windforce 6GB (380 euros) or Gigabyte RTX 2060 Super 3x Windforce 8GB (461 euros) so I wanna know, is it worth paying almost 100 euros extra for just 10-15 fps more?
Do you urgently need a new GPU? I would recommend waiting for the new RTX 30 series to release and see if anything there is cheaper than these options, if not, there will be a ton of used RTX 20 series cards from people wanting to upgrade, which will sell for a lot less.

If you are keen on buying these GPUs, go for the regular RTX 2060 and overclock it to get about the same performance as the Super. Use the OC scanner feature in MSI Afterburner. It's completely safe, it will tell you the most stable Core overclock. Then overclock the GPU memory in Afterburner in 100 MHz increments until it isn't stable anymore. Find the right memory overclock and you're good to go.

Of course, only overclock if you have a decent PSU. What is your PSU? What are your current specs?
144 Hz monitor, but I really want to buy one of them tomorrow unless I get convinced by someone to not. I just can't decide whether to pay around 100 euros for just 10-15 fps for super or just go along with normal 2060 RTX.

Also I'm going to use in3 payment, I split the payment in 3 parts. like if I buy normal 2060, I pay like 127 for each month for 3 months. Super = 153,67 per month for 3 months

153.67 x 3 = 461 (super)
127x3=381 (non super)
