RTX 2070 or GTX 1070-TI


Jul 14, 2018
I have been recently in the market to upgrade my GPU from my current 960. I have an incoming 750 watt powersupply to power my 8700k along with this card. I was looking online and saw I could purchase the RTX 2070 (which I have read is supposed to contend with the 1080) at a price tag of $479.99.

RTX 2070: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1441722-REG/evga_geforce_rtx_2070_black.html/?ap=y&gclid=Cj0KCQiA37HhBRC8ARIsAPWoO0yjqrFmJNqVwBDGLFiBRyn7qMutGKLiaGs7DLAG9jEfqEaIwRj9wVEaAlFDEALw_wcB&smp=Y

This intrigued me as my heart was originally set on the EVGA 1070-TI SC which keeps coming up to be $429.99.

My question was, Should I buy the newer RTX 2070 or the older GTX 1070-TI? For only $60 more. I am strongly considering the RTX. Please Help!

Aren't the drivers and all that weird on them as of right now? I thought I read that somewhere.


Only for certain RTX functions but the card is already massively better performing than the 1070 ti in performance. Will only improve with better driver support.

Okay, thank you so much for the fast response, and I will more than likely go with it. Once again, Thank you.

No problem and thank you for the upvote. You won't feel any regret after getting the 2070 over 1070 ti, trust me.

Bought it last night, should arrive either tomorrow or the next day.