I have been recently in the market to upgrade my GPU from my current 960. I have an incoming 750 watt powersupply to power my 8700k along with this card. I was looking online and saw I could purchase the RTX 2070 (which I have read is supposed to contend with the 1080) at a price tag of $479.99.
RTX 2070: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1441722-REG/evga_geforce_rtx_2070_black.html/?ap=y&gclid=Cj0KCQiA37HhBRC8ARIsAPWoO0yjqrFmJNqVwBDGLFiBRyn7qMutGKLiaGs7DLAG9jEfqEaIwRj9wVEaAlFDEALw_wcB&smp=Y
This intrigued me as my heart was originally set on the EVGA 1070-TI SC which keeps coming up to be $429.99.
My question was, Should I buy the newer RTX 2070 or the older GTX 1070-TI? For only $60 more. I am strongly considering the RTX. Please Help!
RTX 2070: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1441722-REG/evga_geforce_rtx_2070_black.html/?ap=y&gclid=Cj0KCQiA37HhBRC8ARIsAPWoO0yjqrFmJNqVwBDGLFiBRyn7qMutGKLiaGs7DLAG9jEfqEaIwRj9wVEaAlFDEALw_wcB&smp=Y
This intrigued me as my heart was originally set on the EVGA 1070-TI SC which keeps coming up to be $429.99.
My question was, Should I buy the newer RTX 2070 or the older GTX 1070-TI? For only $60 more. I am strongly considering the RTX. Please Help!