Question RTX 2080 getting too hot

My Build:
I have a front mounted radiator that has 3 intake fans, 1 top mounted exhaust fan, and 1 back mounted exhaust fan. My gpu still reaches high 70s (celcius). My gpu isn't overclocked or anything like that. Is there anything I can try to bring down the temperature.
Front radiator is pushing your warm CPU exhaust into the case which your GPU is using to cool with. Best to have CPU radiator as exhaust. High 70s won’t hurt it and not much option if you can’t move the radiator.


Mar 27, 2019
High 70s is a normal temp under stress for that kind of gpu. You can try to undervolt the card via afterburner to reduce powerdraw while maintaining clockspeeds and performance.
There are serveral tutorials on youtube regarding that topic.
Jan 2, 2020
Ok..first reply was correct...reverse fans on radiator to pull hot air out of case..not blow it back in. All your fans need to work together. If all blowing in then heat builds up. Check each fan for direction. But do not pull heat into case.