B BlackLygght Reputable Jul 25, 2014 8 0 4,510 Jul 12, 2019 #1 Hey guys, during a online game in pubg, my 2080 reached a temp of about 87-89c for about 30 mins. What are the chances of my gpu or vrm being damaged?
Hey guys, during a online game in pubg, my 2080 reached a temp of about 87-89c for about 30 mins. What are the chances of my gpu or vrm being damaged?
richiestang_78 Glorious Mar 3, 2015 5,967 690 46,890 Jul 12, 2019 #2 That is on the high side and althought damage is relative term, running at high temps can shorten the lifespan. I would try and improve airflow in your case, and if you are using a vertical GPU mount try it horizontally to see if it helps temps. Upvote 0 Downvote
That is on the high side and althought damage is relative term, running at high temps can shorten the lifespan. I would try and improve airflow in your case, and if you are using a vertical GPU mount try it horizontally to see if it helps temps.