Question RTX 2080 ti VS RTX 3070 VS RTX 3080


Feb 21, 2018
Hi, I've been wondering what GPU would be best to buy at this point.
I've found each of those GPU's at the following prices in my country:
RTX 2080 ti: $420
RTX 3070: $400
RTX 3080: $560
Thank you!
Hi, I've been wondering what GPU would be best to buy at this point.
I've found each of those GPU's at the following prices in my country:
RTX 2080 ti: $420
RTX 3070: $400
RTX 3080: $560
Thank you!
What video card you buy should be determined by what resolution you game at.
2080ti is good for 1080 / 1440, 3070 is good for 1080, 1440, and some 4k lite, and the 3080 will get you into serious 4k gaming.
What video card you buy should be determined by what resolution you game at.
2080ti is good for 1080 / 1440, 3070 is good for 1080, 1440, and some 4k lite, and the 3080 will get you into serious 4k gaming.
Im playing at 2560 x 1080, 75 hz for now but I'm wondering if its worth spending the extra $160 for the extra 25-30 FPS gained on the RTX 3080 in the long run. Thanks!
Im playing at 2560 x 1080, 75 hz for now but I'm wondering if its worth spending the extra $160 for the extra 25-30 FPS gained on the RTX 3080 in the long run. Thanks!
You will find 25-30 fps to be real important if you're only getting 20 fps. I was on a GTX 1080 when I moved to a 4k display. I quickly found the 1080 to be lacking in 4k capabilities. I then upgraded to a 2080 super. And while it performed MUCH better than the 1080 at 4k, it still didn't perform quite as well as I wanted it to, especially on visually demanding games like Witcher 3. I recently traded my 2080 Super for a 3080, and I'm finally in a 'happy place', performance wise. So if you can envision yourself moving to 4k anytime soon, go with the 3080, hands down. At the lower resolution you stated, honestly any of them will be quite playable at decent detail levels.
You will find 25-30 fps to be real important if you're only getting 20 fps. I was on a GTX 1080 when I moved to a 4k display. I quickly found the 1080 to be lacking in 4k capabilities. I then upgraded to a 2080 super. And while it performed MUCH better than the 1080 at 4k, it still didn't perform quite as well as I wanted it to, especially on visually demanding games like Witcher 3. I recently traded my 2080 Super for a 3080, and I'm finally in a 'happy place', performance wise. So if you can envision yourself moving to 4k anytime soon, go with the 3080, hands down. At the lower resolution you stated, honestly any of them will be quite playable at decent detail levels.
Makes sense. Thanks!
Yeah mining cards are pretty trashed out. If you have to buy used, then get an open box from a retailer like MicroCenter or Newegg or something. That way at least you have an option to return it if it goes south.

I picked up my MSI 3080 on open-box at MicroCenter a few weeks ago for $545, it was a STEAL and has been a rock solid card. Given the condition I received it in, I'm pretty sure it was a "didn't fit in my case" return. It even smelled new. But if I got a bum card, I could have taken it back, and that's a big sigh of relief when you're dropping that kind of coin on something.
Except mined cards that have been known to fail, like all the RX 6000 cards with cracked dies, due to poor storage, by a cryptominer. It isn't worth the gamble. What country are we talking here?
Romania. I think it depends more on how the GPU were stored, not how much they mined, so this goes for any second-hand GPU, not just the ones that mined.
For used cards eBay is relatively safe since they have buyer protection I believe.

Of the cards listed the 3070 and 2080ti will be close in performance. The 3080 is the strongest of those 3. Assuming the card is in good working order I like the 3080. It’s what I’ve got in my pc. The other thing to keep in mind, say you are at 1440p or somewhere around there, that, if the 3080 is a 4K card(though these days I think it’s drifting to a higher end 1440p card as new generations come out), games usually get more advanced and harder to run as new technology becomes available. If you intend to keep the card a long time I’d suggest getting the best card you can afford so that hopefully by the time you do go to replace your card, maybe your games in 2-3 years time are still playable instead of having to keep turning down settings or reducing resolution.