RTX 2080ti OC degradation


Dec 25, 2015
Hi Guys,

I bought myself an MSI RTX 2080ti trio recently, I decided to OC it on the first day and it was stable at 2010Mhz Core clock and 7400Mhz at 110% power. I did not touch the Core voltage as I have no experience with OCing core voltages. That OC worked for the first day of gaming. The Next day when I loaded the same preset on afterburner, the game(AC Odyssey or War thunder)would crash less than five mins in. I had to tune the OC down to 1950Mhz Core clock 7200Mhz memory clock. The card runs at 75-77 C when under load, and the CPU runs at 75-81 C under load.
Do you guys think that the CPU is running too hot or the card is partially burned out? I currently have an H115ipro installed for the CPU. Unfortunately, I live in Australia and my house does not have an AC unit. so the room temp is like 27-30 C right now. Thanks.

I have attached a few screenshots of the first-day OC and the current OC settings.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img923/3620/Bwe7Zs.png - thas the first days OC preset.
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img924/8095/2ez7Jx.png -This is the current OC preset that is stable if I add more than 10Mhz on top of that the game will crash.

PC specs- Z270 M5 motherboard, I7 7700k at 4.5ghz, 16 GB DDR4 Corsair vengeance, Corsair 850W psu and a 34" UWQHD 120hz monitor.
What's MSI's warranty like? I would find the ceiling that you can can overclock & power limits that keeps you running in the temp range reported as standard/acceptable in the manual... and just run them at that. If it starts to fail @ stock speeds RMA it.

Does the card work at its intended speed? If it does then RMA'ing it will do nothing but wast time and money. All they will do is test the card at its rated speed 1350/1755 and if it passes send it back to you. They guarantee nothing more then the speed they sold the card at.

Yeh, it does run at the promised speed, up 1995mhz, maybe my i7 7700k is running too hot or is bottlenecking the card I assume?
What's MSI's warranty like? I would find the ceiling that you can can overclock & power limits that keeps you running in the temp range reported as standard/acceptable in the manual... and just run them at that. If it starts to fail @ stock speeds RMA it.

Thanks Mate.

Nvidia Gpu Boost will automatically down-clock the core if it approaches certain thermal/power limits. That is unavoidable.
Now you can max out the Power Limit slider and turn up the fans to help reduce this somewhat... but that's about it.
As mentioned above, if it runs at the rated speeds on the box then the card is functioning normally... and you cannot RMA it on that basis.