[SOLVED] RTX 3070 Stopped Displaying To Monitor - HELP!

Jan 26, 2021
System Specs
Ryzen 5 1600
Ram: 2x8GB DDR4
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-AB350-Gaming 3 AM4
Power Supply: 750w 80+ Gold
Current GPU: Gigabyte Geforce GTX 1080 8GB VRAM
Attempted GPU: ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 3070 OC 8GB VRAM

Issue: Bought the 3070 GPU brand new and replaced my 1080. Booted everything up and it worked fine. I reinstalled the latest graphics driver (Before today's driver release - Jan. 26, 2021) from Geforce Experience and it still worked fine. I booted up a couple games to test FPS rate and it worked fine. Booted up Resident Evil 0 because I'm currently playing through that and about 5-10 minutes in my screen goes black. Some of the games I was testing FPS on previously were Cyberpunk 2077 and Horizon Zero Dawn, so Resident Evil 0 should not be an issue for this card to run at all.

All of this happened within maybe 30-45 minutes.

So why is it suddenly not displaying to my monitor, it clearly worked before. I've now reinstalled my 1080 and it is working as well as it has in the past with no issues.

I have tried looking up some solutions and many suggest that old version HDMI cables can be the culprit to this issue. So I've gone ahead and ordered a new version HDMI to give that a try, though I doubt it will change anything due to the fact that it was already working with the old HDMI.

When the 3070 is installed, the LEDs light up still and the fans were spinning when I was able to access my games.

I'd really like to get this figured out so any and all suggestions and help are very appreciated, thanks.
System Specs
Ryzen 5 1600
Ram: 2x8GB DDR4
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-AB350-Gaming 3 AM4
Power Supply: 750w 80+ Gold
Current GPU: Gigabyte Geforce GTX 1080 8GB VRAM
Attempted GPU: ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 3070 OC 8GB VRAM

Issue: Bought the 3070 GPU brand new and replaced my 1080. Booted everything up and it worked fine. I reinstalled the latest graphics driver (Before today's driver release - Jan. 26, 2021) from Geforce Experience and it still worked fine. I booted up a couple games to test FPS rate and it worked fine. Booted up Resident Evil 0 because I'm currently playing through that and about 5-10 minutes in my screen goes black. Some of the games I was testing FPS on...
System Specs
Ryzen 5 1600
Ram: 2x8GB DDR4
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-AB350-Gaming 3 AM4
Power Supply: 750w 80+ Gold
Current GPU: Gigabyte Geforce GTX 1080 8GB VRAM
Attempted GPU: ASUS TUF Gaming GeForce RTX 3070 OC 8GB VRAM

Issue: Bought the 3070 GPU brand new and replaced my 1080. Booted everything up and it worked fine. I reinstalled the latest graphics driver (Before today's driver release - Jan. 26, 2021) from Geforce Experience and it still worked fine. I booted up a couple games to test FPS rate and it worked fine. Booted up Resident Evil 0 because I'm currently playing through that and about 5-10 minutes in my screen goes black. Some of the games I was testing FPS on previously were Cyberpunk 2077 and Horizon Zero Dawn, so Resident Evil 0 should not be an issue for this card to run at all.

All of this happened within maybe 30-45 minutes.

So why is it suddenly not displaying to my monitor, it clearly worked before. I've now reinstalled my 1080 and it is working as well as it has in the past with no issues.

I have tried looking up some solutions and many suggest that old version HDMI cables can be the culprit to this issue. So I've gone ahead and ordered a new version HDMI to give that a try, though I doubt it will change anything due to the fact that it was already working with the old HDMI.

When the 3070 is installed, the LEDs light up still and the fans were spinning when I was able to access my games.

I'd really like to get this figured out so any and all suggestions and help are very appreciated, thanks.
I would also look into upgrading that CPU you have with the 3070. on average you are losing about 30% FPS roughly anywhere between 45FPS to 60FPS depending on the game