Sadly AMD are learning all the wrong things from Nvidia, I hope I am wrong but it is looking that way to me.
I think they are doing better but the market dictates what happens ..
7900xt was over priced at release BUT it was always leveled at the 4070ti /4080 12gb till Nvidia backed out of that due to massive hate ..
AMD used that to upsell their 7900xtx so yeah a bit shifty ..
As for pricing of the cards yeah in a perfect world AMD would have charged $200 usd less on all there cards BUT that has a positive and negative effect.. positive cheaper/ negative cheaper so whats wrong with them they need to price match with the competition !!
the 7600 like anything 8gb is just plain disgusting for a GPU in 2023 ..
But lets look at the positives the 7900xtx is cheaper and better ( excluding rt ) than the 4080
the 7900xt is a better and NOW cheaper than the 4070ti
the 7800xt should be aimed at the 4060 16gb.. if the price point is good then we have a 4060 16gb beater ..
personally i believe the 4070 was released only to sell more 4070ti's
The lower 4060s were released to upsell the 4060 16gb
where as ( apart once again the 7600 ) the AMD line up has been on point ( AMD could have dropped the 7900xt price as soon as the 4070 ti released ) but they have matched / beat Nvidia at every turn ..
they did NEED a 4090 competitor at release which cost them !!
what AMD do in the cpu market is on them when Intel are behind in almost every sector ( AMD owns consoles , server soon to be apu's with strix point, handhelds are gaining market share ) when you have that clout AMD can do what they want like Nvidia does with there GPU market !!
I liken it to Sony VS Xbox
Sony have the better selling console better / more exclusives they will try to protect that lead at all costs by doing somewhat less than consumer friendly stuff !!