Rtx 580,Gtx 1060,1070,worth it?


Jan 3, 2017
So basically, i have an i5-4460 CPU, 500w psu, gtx 1050 and a 60hz 1080p monitor. Since the prices for 1070 are going down in my country i was maybe considering it but i am not sure if it will bottleneck something (i am a true noob for bottlenecking and stuff like that so i dont know anything about it). And if i purchase 1070 i was thinking about buying a 144hz monitor. Not sure which to take.

Your i5 4460 shouldn't bottle neck a 1070, at least not enough for it to be an issue,and the 1070 is a good 20 to 30% faster than the other two cards, so if you can get a deal on it, i say jump on it.
Your monitor is 1920x1080 @ 60Hz. Assuming you're planning on sticking with it for some time, then the 1070 is a little overkill.

The RX 580 8GB and GTX 1060 6GB are the cards that are suited for max details at 60fps at 1920x1080.
Ye, so i was blind, and the very good deal was actually for 1070ti, and i am guessing that might be a huge problem for my setup right?
Btw, ty for your kind answers so far <3
Assuming the 144hz monitor is also 1080p then the framerate will be dependent on your CPU. That's because at 1080p a 1070 or 1070 Ti should be able to crank out a lot of frames per second unless the CPU holds it back.

Games have different requirements, so not all games will need more CPU. If you want to play new, top games as they come out, such as Far Cry 5 and the Assassin's Creed games, you'll certainly need more CPU than the older quad core. Your current CPU is fine for most 1080p 60hz uses, but 144hz is a different thing.

Nope, not a problem at all. If it's that good of a deal, say very close to the 1070's price, it couldn't hurt anything to get it.

The 1070 would be able to take advantage of a 1920x1080 monitor that's faster than 60Hz. The 1070Ti even moreso.

Depending on the games, I don't know if either of them could consistently hit 144fps, but they'll both do well above 60 fps, with the 1070Ti being faster than the 1070.

If you are sticking with Nvidia cards and getting a new monitor, then it might be worth the extra money to go with a Gsync monitor.

The only "harm" is that the weak link, instead of being your GPU, will more likely be the CPU, but that's because things are performing way better overall than they used to.

Previously, your CPU could get away without running flat out, because the 1050 was holding it back. It was a lame donkey. The 1070/1070Ti will be replacing the lame donkey with a thoroughbred horse, so now your CPU will have its work cut out for it to keep up (if you go the 144Hz monitor route)