Rumor: GTX 880 to Launch Mid-September

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To much stuff comes out in september, new iphone, new mac's, new iwatch, destiny, possibly new ipad, and probably x99. Can't have it all, gotta make choices i guess.
The 700 Series put a foul taste in my mouth. The 780 was $650 at launch and they could kiss my butt if I was going to pay $150 more for that tier card. So they dropped it $150 to the $500 it SHOULD have been and brought out the 780Ti. It was to far into the 700 series for me to feel right buying a card so I sat on my 680. Now the 880 is coming and not 20nm, but 28nm. The 780/780Ti and Titan all had 384 bit memory buses, but the 880 is said to be 256 bit. This all BEGS the question, will there be an 880Ti and will there be a Titan 2 and a non-Titan 2 card based off it's GPU with a reported 512 bit bus???? To many unknowns for me to get excited about this or pull the trigger on anything out of the gate like I have done the last several gen cards. Thanks Nvidia for shaking the boat.

I'm sure the 860 and 870's will be lovely. But don't beat around the bush on the flagship card.
The concern is,is there an HDMI 2.0 onboard. 4k is good with displayport 1.2, but only the Panasonic 4k tv has it. So basically, if you want to do 4k, you can only do it with a monitor, or a 3000$ tv.
Still not worth replacing my GTX 690. :-(

It will when the new crop of games needs more than 2GB of texture memory (GTX690 is two 680s on one card, with 4GB total memory, 2GB effective). Watch Dogs maxed out needs 3GB, for example. Wolfenstein I think, too.
I think this card will be around $400 - $500. Maybe an slight update of 780 and 780 Ti? We'll wait for the Announcement of NVIDIA why they made this card and on what purpose why specs are like that.

no need to wait for an announcement, NVidia made this card because someone was drunk and thought... "Hey! I know! lets make a new card to take peoples money and replace the current crop of 780/ti's that are still more powerful than most people need! and heres the catch... it wont even have better performance! mwahahahaahahahahahahahahahha!"

+1 to that Brother 😀
Nvidia: marks stuff up to increase profit margin
AMD: marks up because of supply shortage
No one's released a new architecture for a LONG time. That's what I'll be waiting for.
People have been complaining that they haven't needed to upgrade. I think the problem is that developers (a) want to hit as wide a market as possible, which means playing nice with the gt 650m's or HD 4xxx's of the world, as well as (b) just that it takes a developer lot of time to make super high quality, detailed environments in need of heavy duty hardware. Or am I just out to lunch?

maybe that is true to most 780Ti owner. but for those that have much older card most of them might consider 880 as a worth upgrade.
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