Rumor: PlayStation 4 Will Support 4K Resolution

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woo hoo! This is great news!
When current gen consoles came out they could (and can) barely do 1080p gaming at 30fps (though they do 1080p movies just fine). They completely missed the boat thinking that 720p would be standard, and that very few people would invest in 1080p screens.... and they were dead wrong.
It is just as hard to imagine 4K or quad HD (2 different aspect ratios by the way... they are not different terms for the same thing) becoming 'standard' as it was to think that 1080p would become standard back when 480i was the norm... but it may happen, and if it does it is good to know that the consoles will not be caught with their pants down this time!
Pffft whatever. Just like the PS3 was supposed to have the RSX "Reality Synthesizer". 4K resolution? Let's first try to get 1080p at 60 FPS with 4xMSAA.

Right now games barely run at 30FPS, below 720p, with NOAA (No Anti-Aliasing) but we're supposed to believe that this generation jump will be to 4K? On what, the Radeon HD 7670 GPU (re-branded 6670)?? Give me a break.

What hope does it have at these claims when the RUMORED specs are already out of date compared to a current gaming PC?
Rumor: PlayStation 4 would have VooDoo IV graphics card on-board!
3dFx is back and is working on graphics core for PlayStation 4!

... It's not the 1-st of April yet? Oh....alright.
that's nothing. is just rumor
Rumor said xbox720 Will Support 8K Resolution, if you merge 2 xbox 720 together you can output 16k resolution. please. can someone inform me that I don't need to sell my house to get that super HD tv for gaming.
1080p has a DAR of 1.7:1
QFHD (quad full HD, which is the same as UHD) has the same aspect ratio of 1.7:1
'full' cinema 4K (sort of the old standard) is 4096x1714 which is an extremely wide 2.39:1
'normal' cinema 4K resolution is 3996x2160 which is a slightly less wide 1.85:1, but still wider than good 'ol 16:9

I see another format war brewing. QFHD looks to be in the lead with the most support from display manufacturers, but there are quite a few hats in the 4K (3996x2160) camp as well as it is the format for the projector, camera, and film industries.
[citation][nom]mayankleoboy1[/nom]maybe. But where are the 4K displays? and i dont see 4k displays getting available at reasonable prices for atleast 2-3 years.[/citation]
UHD displays come out in September of this year, with 'mainstream' units coming out at the same time or slightly after the new consoles (little over a year from now). It will no dobut take a few years to catch on, just as 1080p did; But if the consoles are expected to last another 7 year lifespan (taking them to the year 2020) then it will need to pump out this type of resolution to be taken seriously. Sadly, I have no dobut the resolution support will be at the sacrifice of any type of AA, and will still be stuck at the current 'playable' 25-30fps while movies move on to 50fps, and PC gamers move to 120fps
Straight up BS. A GTX 680 would have trouble pushing decent fps at 4k res. No way a console will be able to this generation and maybe even the next.
Interesting, but won't it take at least a good 4 years for 4k resolution displays to come down to acceptable prices? 1080p TVs are dirt cheap now compared to 4-6 years ago. By the time 4k resolution TVs come down to acceptable consume prices the consoles will already have reached around half their lifespan.

I'd love to see 4k monitors with 240hz; I wish.
So you'll buy a next-gen console equivalent to a watered-down PC, a TV that would cost you an arm just so you could watch from it instead of playing? Am I missing something?
This line may need a correction:
That said, maybe we'll see a 4K resolution game running at 60fps when Sony's successor to the Xbox Infinity (720) is introduced.
Shouldn't it be
"...Sony's successor to the PlayStation 3..."
unless you meant "...Microsoft's successor to the Xbox Infinity (720)..."

Just trying to help out. 🙂
They are just saying it will "support" 4K, not that the games will run in that resolution. Promising without promises, that's markerting for you...

And even IF it could run games like that, developers would quickly dial down the resolutuion and fps in exchange for more graphical detail.
consoles cheaper than pc's they say?
Well looks like that is about to change then, I don't see much hope of an affordable 4k screen for a while yet, May as well buy a super pc for the price of just the 4k tv let alone the new console. lol
If it will have a Power7 or Power8 based CPU, dual GCN GPUs (something like HD7970M's in crossfire) which are monstrously fast and quite frugal, and a ton of fast RAM, it might do 4K.
It won't matter if it's 1080p or 4k or even 8k unless you're looking at a very large TV (50+ inch) from just 1,5 meters away, and %95 of us DON'T do that. It all comes down to this trade-off:

1080p: Games will looks awesome, will run at 60fps with AA.
4k: Games won't look much better than PS3, they'll run at 30fps and you won't be able to make out the difference unless you're playing on a projector (Good luck finding a 4k projector under 20k dollars)
Supports 4K doesn't mean it runs at 4K. This rumor shows pure marketing at it's best, especially for people who don't know the price it'll cost on consoles to run games with high details and decent framerates at 4K
[citation][nom]caedenv[/nom]4K or quad HD (2 different aspect ratios by the way... they are not different terms for the same thing)[/citation]
4K is term describing 5 different resolutions and/or aspect ratios. Blame it on the industry that calls HD both 720p and 1080p and more or less each and every resolution around those starting from 1366x768.
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