Rumor: Windows 8.1 Update 2 Not Mandatory

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Well, I thought the start menu was coming. Looks like I'm on W7 a while longer then.
(Yes, I get it, the SS is not the worst thing ever, but it's not conducive to how I use my system)

Check out startisback for windows8(.1). It gives you the start menu back, and even has the option of using the XP flyout menu. And it is super cheap.
They were starting to make the right strides with Windows 8.1, people were recognizing their computers again, the OS is running great, and now they are replacing it.
Check out startisback for windows8(.1). It gives you the start menu back, and even has the option of using the XP flyout menu. And it is super cheap.
Super cheap as in super crappy.

Software like that should never be paid software. Because that way it's just crappy, and it is: it's sluggish and slow and glaringly non-native. Windows 7 is much better.
Bummer!! I was really looking forward to that little start screen/menu that was supposed to be in this patch, but oh well.

Great idea that windows 9 will be free to all xp+ users since if you think about it, Linux upgrades are free, and mac upgrades are only $20.

I know about that, but I don't use it on principle. My system should work how I need it to without a bunch of extra addons.
Check out startisback for windows8(.1). It gives you the start menu back, and even has the option of using the XP flyout menu. And it is super cheap.
Super cheap as in super crappy.

Software like that should never be paid software. Because that way it's just crappy, and it is: it's sluggish and slow and glaringly non-native. Windows 7 is much better.
You have obviously never even used it or even taken the time to see what it is, if you had you would know that it is almost identical to the Windows 7 start menu but with some great improvements and extra options almost anyone would find useful, it uses mostly native Windows 7 start menu code and can also be themed via the msstyles unlike any other replacement start menu.

As for sluggish, you must have a 10 year old system with a single core CPU and 256mb of memory if you find it slow because it's faster and smoother then the one on Windows 7.

I have been using Start Is Back on my VM since the first development and have compared it to Windows 7 all the way and now I have made the switch to Windows 8 and use it all the time, it's the best replacement you will ever find and best of all it was created by one man and he gives great customer support and has updated it ahead of all major windows updates to give constant support.

But why am I telling you all this, you are obviously just a Troll and have nothing better to do.
Yay that it's going thru windows update instead of the store! Do I need update 1 in order to get update 2? I know the article said it wasn't cumulative. Time will tell
Well, I thought the start menu was coming. Looks like I'm on W7 a while longer then.
(Yes, I get it, the SS is not the worst thing ever, but it's not conducive to how I use my system)
As an adopter of W8 from first day of release, I can say that using Classicshell (for free) you will not experience any loss of the precious Start Menu, get the benefits of the faster and more secure system and spent less time moaning about not having a Start Menu than it took to install and use one.
There is an old saying for what you are doing, "cutting your nose off to spite your face".
Windows Trasholder? Haven't they learned anything from XBone and Winblows or Winbloze or any of the myriad of names M$ products have been called? Who comes up with these names?
Bummer!! I was really looking forward to that little start screen/menu that was supposed to be in this patch, but oh well.

Great idea that windows 9 will be free to all xp+ users since if you think about it, Linux upgrades are free, and mac upgrades are only $20.

Mac upgrades actually cost more than Windows upgrades as you get Windows 8.1 for free from upgrading from Windows 8. Right there, that would be $20 with macs. Same thing with Update 1. Also you already pay more for your mac OS but it is streamlined into the price of the computer itself, which is why macs cost twice as much as windows computers.

Not really. Windows 7 is perfect for me.
I'd like to upgrade to Windows 8, especially considering MS gave me a free copy as a salesperson, but that's not going to happen while I have my HDD spammed up with apps I hate and the need for a 3rd party start menu.
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