Run most, if not all games at 10FPS

Joel Elliott

Jun 28, 2014
I had a laptop that ran games fairly good, until one day it just started to run games really really slow. I Continued to play stuff off it since i didn't have any other computers to use.
The laptop had a power shortage a week ago, i took it in to get looked at and the motherboard doesn't work anymore.
I ended up putting the hard drive into a friends laptop to see if i can get my stuff back for work, school ETC. I still run games at 10fps, So i think the hard drive is to blame for the lack of performance. I know for a fact this laptop can run games better then it is now.

I ran a few tests with HDtach and the results were very Very jumpy! it didnt look right at all.
Im just wondering if you guys could think of any reason why the hard drive (if it even is the hard drive) would do this?
Just to try to clarify this please verify that my understanding is correct, and correct me where I may be wrong. Add any details that you can to help. The make and model of both laptops might be helpful.

You have a laptop that you've been playing games on.

One day it became really slow.

One week ago the power short circuited.

A shop told you after they inspected your laptop, the motherboard no longer is functional.

Now, you have taken the HDD and moved it to another laptop.

The other laptop is now experiencing similar performance issues that the first laptop had prior to it short-circuiting.

An HDTach test run on the second laptop with your HDD installed revealed results that you feel are not consistent with proper operation.

You want to know if someone here could tell you the reason for the results.


That is correct.
I was just rying to make sure all the ducks were in a row. :)

You answered him in the time it took me to type it, anyway.. 😛

EDIT: I'm not sure why I was unable to see your answer when I first looked at this thread, it was well after your answer.