Running a GPU Outside the Case


Jun 2, 2015

I'm building a new PC but due to cash flow, can't afford all the parts currently. I was wondering what the disadvantages (if any) there would be to running an MSI GTX 970 outside of my current PC as in won't fit in the case. It would only be short term (Around 1 month or so) until I get the money to buy all of the other parts. I was planning on using a PCI-E 16X riser ribbon cable and just resting the GPU on top of my current case.

Would this be a good idea?
I wouldnt recommend it because if you put it face down, it will completely stop airflow and probably make it overheat. then if you put it chip side down, it might end up scratching away the paint on your case and it might even go as far as shorting your cards and completely kill it! maybe put it on a different anti static surface. apart from that I cant think of anything else being wrong with it
The power supply is grounded, the supplies 'ground/neutral' wires are attached to the supply, the motherboard is attached via the wires. So when it is on there will be no concern. When it is off, follow the same principal as when the case is involved. Ground the chassis of the supply to the motherboard standoffs/screw. Or you could place both on a metal sheet (like the backside of a side panel)

Generating a static charge would be somewhat difficult, discharging one through a sensitive component even more difficult. Basically you don't touch your computer during operation, same rules apply.