Running a higher resolution monitor one one GPU, with a lower resolution monitor on a secondary GPU


Aug 24, 2014
So, I have a 1440p monitor for my gaming set up. But for Chanukah, I received a chez (a couch which you lie on). I had an old, old 900p display lying around, so I set it up at the base of the chez to watch Netflix, play games with a wireless Xbox 360 Controller, etc. The resolution sucks, but I'll upgrade it at some point.
I also happen to have a Radeon HD 7750 lying around from my old build. The 1440p monitor is being driven off of my Geforce GTX 980. Previously, I had assumed I would have to build an HTPC for the secondary display so that I didn't have to keep switching the inputs. However, after watching LinusTechTips' "SLI & Crossfire in Same PC" video, I thought it might be worth checking whether I could just put the 7750 in with the 980 and drive the two monitors on seperate GPUs.
Is this possible, given the resolution difference? Would Windows be able to handle it? Would there be driver modding necessary?

Thanks guys :)
Its possible but clumsy.

It'd be easier to just plug the monitors into the 980 and select which monitor you want to use with Display Settings.