running another moinitor on integrated?


Feb 24, 2013
Ok, I have a asrock z77 extreme 4, I was wondering if I can use the hdmi that it has on the I/O and use it for a second monitor. I have everything hooked up and it's not displaying any video. What setting do I need to look at to enable onboard video(if there is a feature tlike that). I've seen some other posts that say its possible.

Question #2: I also have a second spare gpu(amd 5450), could I use that along side my nvidia card? Just for the extra hdmi? This second monitor is just going to be for web pages and netflix.
P.S. I only have 2 hdmi cables and I'm too cheap to get an adapter 😉
It has been my experience that you can get "anything" to work....however, in doing so, you have several levels of success. Like mixing RAM, some people won't spend an extra $30 to get a matched pair, and it works (passes POST and memory tests without issues), but BSOD's are quite common on their computer.

Adding the second GPU and/or fussing around with the Intel graphics may get it working - however, be prepared for the BSODs....they are bound to happen....

I would go out at buy the $10 cable....
The best way would be to hook the monitor up to your GPU - there are ways to get the GPU and onboard graphics (intel HD graphics), but there are issues with it....I have a similar mobo, and ASROCK was no help in resolving the I gave up and upgraded to a 750ti to support 3 monitors.
It has been my experience that you can get "anything" to work....however, in doing so, you have several levels of success. Like mixing RAM, some people won't spend an extra $30 to get a matched pair, and it works (passes POST and memory tests without issues), but BSOD's are quite common on their computer.

Adding the second GPU and/or fussing around with the Intel graphics may get it working - however, be prepared for the BSODs....they are bound to happen....

I would go out at buy the $10 cable....

Ya, thats probably the best idea. I got it working by just downloading the Intel drivers 😛 . Thanks for helping me out.