Running Far Cry 3


Sep 29, 2011
Hey guys.. time for the quick and annoying questions that shows up when a new game comes out..

I build my recent machine for BF3, and I'm eager to get into playing some Far Cry 3, seeing as my computer has been sitting unused while I was at school. Anyways, just looking to see how well I will be able to run Far Cry 3 on Very High to possible Ultra settings.

GPU: Single GTX580
CPU: i5 2500K 3.3GHz
Resolution: Sadly only 1680 x 1050

Will I be able to run this smoothly enough to get the benefit of playing on PC, or am I just better off playing this game from the comfort of my couch (i.e Xbox 360 version..)

Thanks for the help
Aug 15, 2012

Funny thing is that even consoles get rough frame rates or so I hear. Im running a GTX 650 Ti cranked it up to max settings with DX11 I get 22-30 FPS (Would be getting 30-45 if it wasnt for my CPU) So taking a quick look at relative GPU performance between my card and yours, you should be completely blowing out my frame rates so I say your more than good to play maxed out and at higher FPS than consoles. Beat the game a day before it came out and I think you will enjoy it A LOT more on PC. Hope this helped!