Running new games ( GTA V , Witcher 3 etc) (Graphics card)


Jul 4, 2015
My current specs are
Intel Core i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20Ghz
gygabite gtx 650 ti
Asus H81M-K
G.skills 2x4 RAM
Power supply is 600W
Thats about all I know ,

What do I need to replace in my PC to be able to run games such as GTA V on max (1080p) , Or atleast have them stable at 60 fps(+) with PlayStation- like graphics , Can my PC handle a High end graphics card?
Sapphire Radeon R9 280X VAPOR-X TRI-X 3GB
Asus Radeon R9 380 STRIX GAMING OC 2GB
EVGA GTX960 Superclocked 2GB (If It is safe to buy due the the problems I've heard of this one)

Will any of these suffice ?
Well, I'd look for one of four cards for the kind of performance you're looking for, that might come close to that price range. Most places hardware is much more expensive, even at exchanged rates, than it is in the US and UK. I'd be looking for a sale on the GTX 970, 980, R9 290x, R9 390 or R9 390x. Anything less than one of those cards is NOT going to give you max settings at 1080p on the majority of games. Anything less than a dual card configuration is probably not going to give you over 60fps at ultra settings on Witcher 3, even at 1080p, as it's just incredibly demanding. For most games though, one of those cards will work well for the majority of current titles and should give you a very good high setting experience with W3...
Yes, it can handle a high end card. Of those cards listed, I'd go with the 280x, but you're not going to be playing Witcher 3 or GTA V on ultra 1080p with any of those cards. You'll need a much higher end card for that. There are a lot of game titles you can get fairly good settings and frame rates with on any of those cards, but anything seriously demanding is going to need a bigger card.

How much can you afford to spend on a graphics card?
Minimum I'd recommend, if you want to get anywhere near those settings and still have decent frame rates, would be a GTX 970 or R9 290x. Anything less and you'll be making concessions. You probably will still need to make some concessions but at least you'll get most of your eye candy and still avoid a system that feels flat.
I was at a friends house and we played GTA V on his gtx 970 and it seemed very laggy , Although maybe its because of the Refresh rate of the monitor , Is that possible ,
I considered a 290x 3gb that was sold for around 300$ in my country , but it went off sale for some reason , and I cant get it in my city so I'll have to order it from somewhere If I want it.
I'm planning on buying the card in the next half a year , So I hope prices will go down by the time I get it , My budget is around 400$
Greetings to our friend from Israel. We don't get many Israeli members here, not sure why not though. Anyhow, it seems most of the Israeli sites on our international computer hardware retailer list are either blocking US visitors or are defunct. Your best bet may be Amazon or wherever else you know you can order from online. I got nothing on this one.
Amazon has very high shipping fees , We usually buy from our stores located in the country , and ofcourse , Ebay , Aliexpress etc .. However not all Items on Ebay and ALiexpress can be trusted so , when it comes to quality we order from Computer stores like K.S.P and Ivory
Well, I'd look for one of four cards for the kind of performance you're looking for, that might come close to that price range. Most places hardware is much more expensive, even at exchanged rates, than it is in the US and UK. I'd be looking for a sale on the GTX 970, 980, R9 290x, R9 390 or R9 390x. Anything less than one of those cards is NOT going to give you max settings at 1080p on the majority of games. Anything less than a dual card configuration is probably not going to give you over 60fps at ultra settings on Witcher 3, even at 1080p, as it's just incredibly demanding. For most games though, one of those cards will work well for the majority of current titles and should give you a very good high setting experience with W3. Maybe even Ultra with a few things turned down or off.

Since I can't seem to access any reliable hardware sites for your region or find any, I'm not sure what else I can do to help you with this. Keep in mind, consoles are generally locked to 30FPS, so comparing a PC configuration to the PlayStation or Xbox is like comparing an apple to an orange.