Question Running Your PC 24/7


Apr 3, 2014
So, I come from an era when you ran your PC 24/7 unless you would not use it for a week or so, and then I would turn it off. So, my question is this. My new PC as of 10/24/24 is it still the same 24/7 on running your PC or has that changed with the newer PCs?

Thank you.
Happy New Year!

If you're thermally sound and your PSU isn't overwhelmed with your componentry, then yes you should be able to have your system powered on for as long as you need/want though in the long run, it's actually a healthy habit to turn off the system when not in use.
So, I come from an era when you ran your PC 24/7 unless you would not use it for a week or so, and then I would turn it off. So, my question is this. My new PC as of 10/24/24 is it still the same 24/7 on running your PC or has that changed with the newer PCs?

Thank you.
My house systems are ON 24/7. Unless vacation or similar.

Power consumption at idle is very minimal. My main system, parts listed in Viper in my sig, costs maybe $40/year in electricity for all that idle time. That $40 gets me unattended nightly backups and system updates.

My little Beelink HTPC costs about $15/year., running 24/7.

Have had zero issues in just leaving them on, for well over a decade.
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Waay back when, it was thought that turning a device on/off might damage parts due to thermal expansion/contraction.
Also, parts were more power hungry then.
Today, it probably does not matter much.
When not needed, I use sleep to ram which is essentially like a power off, but sleep/resume becomes a handful of seconds.
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