Runs on this pc?


May 25, 2015
Hey, I'm going to buy a budget gaming pc and I want to know which games it runs.

MSI A68HM-E33 V2
Crucial DDR3-1600MHz 8GB
TP-Link Wireless N 150Mbps PCI-e
Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM
Asus Radeon R7 360 2GB
AMD Athlon X4 860K 3.7GHz Quad-Core

Can it run:
DayZ Standalone and DayZ Mod
Fallout 4
ARK: Survival Evolved
It should probably do that as long as you're generous with dropping the details.

H1Z1 is the only one I'd question that game is very poorly optimized.

Not meaning to hog this thread, but how are you enjoying your RX480? I am planning to purchase the Sapphire Nitro Edition as soon as supplies are available in South Africa.

Sent you a PM, lets keep this thread clean.

Yes in games like DayZ drop the grass detail and stuff like that. This should play BF4 on low detail no problem, Fallout 4 as well.
simply go to and look up each game.
A MINIMUM is that it plays 30FPS very crappy LOW GRAPHICS at 1024x768 display.
A RECOMMENDED is the MINIMUM to make it look like "on Youtube!" aka 60FPS 1080P High+ Graphics

IF you don't have the $750+ to get a decent rig (for example MOST OF your titles here)
but "willing to play low graphics" I ask WHY waste ALOT of money on 'low quality performance'?

A PS4 for only $149 Refurbed from Gamestop not only can you get 30-60FPS on those titles, MANY titles are actually in 1080P!
Fall out 4 for example is 1080P on consoles and NO you couldn't do that on that PC build 🙁

PLUS your getting $400 in PC parts FREE; Blueray player, Wireless VIBRATING Controller, Wireless Headset, etc. as part of the PS4.

And NO most of the games listed need 4GB GPUs MINIMUM, and the Athlon X4 plays WAY BELOW a i3, which is why it isn't good for gaming.

[strike]Incorrect: [/strike]
Fallout 4 Minimum Requirements
CPU: Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0 GHz or equivalent

CPU Speed: Info
OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or equivalent
Click here for the latest video card drivers
Free Disk Space: 30 GB

His system does[strike] not [/strike]meet the very bare minimum standards to make it work.

Correction: As the new revised X4 Line is a redone Phenom with smaller CPU nm, it still same performance per GPU Boss, which still way underperforms as I said in my first reply to OP in comparison to a PS4 1080P and getting up to 60FPS.

Same question again, why spend hundreds of dollars on a low performing, crappy looking (graphics setting), and terribly weak PC, rather than spend just $149 to get great performance, better visuals, and a 'it will always play on my console' PS4 while you save up the money for a PC Gaming machine that is 'pay to play' heavier cost?

It works, there are users here who have used that exact processor to play it. The Athlon X4 860K actually benchmarks faster than the Phenom.

Its not ideal but it will work for a budget system.


The Athlon is faster as per any benchmark seen.

The PS4 version of GTA V runs at 30fps not 60, though it does run at 1080p.

He owns a PS4 already.

And before you think it drags too much check out the video he posted above.



Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
FIFA Soccer 16
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
Project Cars
Rocket League
Shadow Warrior
Skylanders: Swap Force
Tearaway Unfolded
The Last of Us: Remastered
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
War Thunder
Wolfenstein: The New Order

Battlefield 4 900p @ 60fps - Better then HiDef (720P) and @60FPS!!
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Dynamic scaling 1360x1080p to 1920x1080p @ 60fps
Fallout 4 & Grand Theft Auto V
1080p @ 30fps - in comparison to the build, which can not achieve that level even with a high end GPU.

Games still in BETA (which all these are on PC, so they still 'break' and aren't fully working) are not 'released' to console platforms. But they do have a "paid betas are possible on the PS4 and, therefore, there’s no need to wait until the game is finished". But the normal process is only 'selling' on Sony a 'complete' game that meets Sony gaming standards to be packaged and sold both electronically (PSStore) and on media (Walmart, Amazon, etc.).

Just to let you know there is more to it than you may realize. I have been shocked and surprised by the increased performance of consoles, though i can never play them (can't twitch and can't physically play controllers).

HAHAHA! Ahh I love to see the depth of field, and how 'lifelike' it can be made into just on my screen.
*SMILE* Personally I am looking forward to finally updated to 64Bit Skyrim this October.

Well good luck on it, just make sure you got enough FANS in that build to keep it cool too! Monitor those temps as you push the hardware. I use Rainmeter and HWInfo32 to keep the temps and such on display so I can monitor as I play and not 'fry' my hardware (not pretty I will say!).