News Russian 400 PetaFLOPS Supercomputer for AI Comes Online

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Given the lack of credible information about Chinese GPUs actually delivering on their performance goals, I think it's pretty obvious that they're using Nvidia GPUs. If we take that as given, they must've been smuggled in. In that case, the close timing between this announcement and another one seems possibly more than coincidental:

At ~$30k each (plus a decent markup for trafficking overhead), 100 such units would easily surpass $4M. A purchase of that size might not have been very difficult to track.
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Sure is a lot of russian news on this site...
I'd imagine the author probably follows happenings, there.

There's something of a new Iron Curtain going up between the west and China/Russia, particularly with respect to technology. So, I think it's both interesting and important to pay attention to what's happening on the other side. I guess that's a long way of saying I appreciate most of the coverage.
"Our faculty has been running an academic program for training specialists in the field of AI for the second year — one of the best in the world," said Igor Sokolov, the Dean of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics."We have analyzed everything that exists in the world in this area. The guys receive fundamental knowledge that will help them develop these tools. [...] This computer will be used to intensify and expand the training of specialists. This is our main task — personnel training."

This statement makes me believe this is a serious effort and not just a propaganda show for domestic or foreign consumption.

Lots of countries have built impressive supercomputers and then underutilized them because they did not have the staff capable of taking full advantage of it.

By making sure that they are not "staff limited" they may be able to accomplish more than their hardware limits might indicate.
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