
May 6, 2017
Hello, I recently bought a new video card (Gigabyte Rx 460 4Gb). Then I installed it correctly, with their respective drivers. I opened a few games and the performance was not the one I expected. Overwatch starts at 60-65 fps and then decreases to 20 - 35 fps, I already changed the options, all the same, Ultra and Low works either bad. League of Legends runs from 30 to 50 fps.

The thing I have a cousin who bought exactly the same computer, with exactly the same graphics card, and he can run all games in ultra 1080, not a single one perfomance problem like me.

I already installed, removed drivers, format to windows 7, back again to windows 10, all kind of "solutions", nothing work. Also I called the guarantee and they told me that I must send the PC to an expert to find the problem, because they dont think it is the GPU...

I need your help guys to find the problem, because I dont trust on experts, here In my country its Really expensive, and they dont fix a sh*t.

- AMD A10 7860k
- Gigabyte Rx 460 4gb
- Motherboard Gigabyte f2a68hm h
- 8GB Ram
- 1TB solid disk
- 500w generic
(all the same as my cousin)

PD: Sorry for my english, please dont kill me 😀

I ll say again. Record your cpu temps! Use RealTemp to monitor your temps while gaming. Your cpu score indicates something is wrong with the cpu. Do that and i will tell you what to do next
That CPU is not very competent for gaming with a dedicated GPU. It almost sound like it could be thermal throttling, do you monitor your CPU and GPU temps during the games? Also your friend cannot run everything on ultra 1080p, at least not with anything above a steady 30-40 fps. Also you might try using DDU:
and then reinstalling the 17.4.4 driver.

Hey, thank you for the answer! I know that the CPU its not quite good, but before I bought the graphics card I looked if it would be a bottlenecking problem or something like that, and I found that it is not. I played Overwatch, diablo III and league of legends on my cousin's Pc and I can tell you It runs at 1080 Ultra between 60 and 80 fps, so my computer should run the same, but idk why it does not. I just was playing overwatch in 900p Low and it has decreased to 20fps... less than higher options... I will try DDU now, but I don't think it will fix it. I dont have temp problems.

PD: Sorry for bad english again, and thank you 😀

PD2: I already did what you told me to, still same 😛
For the kinds of games you listed, Overwatch/League of Legends/etc, that CPU and videocard are more than enough. If it starts at high framerate, then drops lower, that makes me think some kind of throttling is going on. The CPU or videocard speed is getting reduced, probably because temperatures are too high.

You might run MSI Afterburner, or a similar program, to watch temps as you run a game. Watch the CPU and GPU clockspeeds too, to make sure they are as high as they are supposed to be and that they don't go lower.

Another thing I would do is run 3dmark. It'll give you a score. I took a look at the website, people with an A10 7860k and 460 score at the high end about 1800, and 1400 on the low end. So if you run that, it gives you an idea of the kind of score you should see if things are working right.

Thank you for your help! I already have MSI Afterburner, and there is no problems with temperature. In overwatch I enabled the temperature indicator and never increases from 45-50 ° . I will try run 3dmark now

I ll say again. Record your cpu temps! Use RealTemp to monitor your temps while gaming. Your cpu score indicates something is wrong with the cpu. Do that and i will tell you what to do next

Thank you! I downloaded RealTemp but it did not detect my CPU so I used AMD System Monitor.

In Game test (15KB)


In menu test (7KB)


How was that? Sorry but the links you posted are not accessible.

Sorry, broken links.


Thank you for all your help.