RX 470 Crossfire?


Oct 9, 2013
Question one, simple question, is an RX 470 compatible with a 570 for crossfire? I am pretty sure they would be just making sure...

Question two, would an RX 470 x2 or an RX 470 and RX 570 be a good choice? I would also get a better PSU, currently bronze certification 650 watt. The performance is pretty good from crossfire, I am aware of the issues such as no compatibility from certain games and less system stability etc. Whether or not it is 2x 470 or once of each depends when I get my graphics card back (it's currently away at Sapphire for repair) they give me my 470 or a 570 (if the 470 is not repairable, since it is also I discontinued model I get a new one :) ). Is it worth it? Do I NEED to upgrade my PSU, or am I better off getting a 1070 or Vega 56 rather than xfire?

Question 3: Would an i5 6600 (not the K version) bottleneck two GPU's?

Side note: graphics cards are very expensive in New Zealand and differ in price a lot. Really debating this... Wanted to hear from you guys, probably seems like gibberish, ask away if anything doesn't make sense.
Alot depends on the titles you play. A single GTX 1070 should be the card most people aim for for 1080p 144Hz.

I think a 1080 or Vega, given the prices, don't make a whole lot of sense for your use case.
A 1070 should outperform CF 470's 99% of the time, and has no instance where it wouldn't be supported (whereas CFx isn't going to be in every title).

As for the 6600 + 1070, I wouldn't expect much limitations from a 6600 at all.
Certain titles case use >4 cores though, which can be a little problematic on an i5 for "optimal" performance.....but an i5-6600 is still a very capable gamer.
1. Yes, 470 + 570 or 480 + 580. Limited to the lower performer of the two (so 470 in this case).

2. A good choice vs....? You currently have a 470 (potentially a 570), should you buy a 470 or 570? Probably not. CFx is supported a little better than SLI, but still, a single, stronger GPU would be a smarter idea.
You're considering buying a second card that's likely only available for $350+*. I would suggest selling the RX470 (or 570) you currently have. Should be able to net $350+* from it.
*Or local equivalent.

Then, with netting $350+, and considering you'd be willing to spend another $350+, you're in 1080TI price territory.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: Asus - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB Turbo Video Card ($709.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $709.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-08-16 18:32 EDT-0400

Whether such a card would make sense, depends on your specs/resolution/games you play.

3. Depends on the specific task/game. A single, stronger GPU (like the 1080TI) it likely would in some cases, at lower resolution. 144Hz 1440p or 4K gaming though, it should be fine.

Hmm, okay. So I play at 144hz and am totally used to it, it is amazing! (OVER 120FPS HAS TO BE A MINIMUM FOR ME NOW OR ELSE IT FEELS WEIRD) The 470 is worth around $330 NZD so I would be looking at around $300 for me. So instead of xfire, for 144hz, what do you reckon? I gtx 1060 or RX 580? I'm not too sold on those two, the 1070 is a different story. Seems like THE 1080p 144hz card. A standard 1080 is out of my price range no matter what as it is $1100 NZD here, really overpriced. It's really annoying actually. So would you recommend selling my RX 470 for around $300 NZD and bringing the price down for a 1070 to around $500 NZD? Or going full out and bringing the price of a 1080 to around 700 to 800 dollars? Is the price/performance ratio difference really worth the 200-300 dollars? OR maybe I could get an RX Vega? That's just if they aren't ludicrously expensive here... And if I got a 1080 or 1070, can I be rest assured of no bottleneck from my i5 6600?

Thanks for your response it has helped open more options! 😀
Alot depends on the titles you play. A single GTX 1070 should be the card most people aim for for 1080p 144Hz.

I think a 1080 or Vega, given the prices, don't make a whole lot of sense for your use case.
A 1070 should outperform CF 470's 99% of the time, and has no instance where it wouldn't be supported (whereas CFx isn't going to be in every title).

As for the 6600 + 1070, I wouldn't expect much limitations from a 6600 at all.
Certain titles case use >4 cores though, which can be a little problematic on an i5 for "optimal" performance.....but an i5-6600 is still a very capable gamer.