RX 480 8GB vs GTX 1060 6GB


Sep 20, 2014
The time has come for me to upgrade and I have my eyes on those two.
I want to play all the current games at 1080 with ultra settings.

However I would also like to future proof as I don't see myself getting a new graphics card before 2018 quite possibly getting it somewhere around 2019. I still have my I5 2500K and I'll be upgrading that in the following year to an i5 6600k.
The 1060 performs better now in DX11 but I'm wondering by how much, while the RX 480 does extremely well in DX12 and Vulkan type games, and seems a good choice for the future as AMD cards tend to age very well
I'll be happy with 60fps stable on ultra at 1080p for DX11 games, I don't really plan on upgrading to 1440p and even if I do I'll probably just end up setting the most demanding settings from ultra to high or medium and again seeing 60fps. But since AMD is doing so well on DX 12 and Vulkan games I'm wondering whether it's the smarter decision for the future, also it does have the extra 2GB of Vram which seems great since games are becoming more and more demanding in that department.
It's really a wash - in some games the RX 480 is a few percent faster, and in others the 1060 is a few percent faster. They also both overclock equally well. The 1060 has the minor advantage of using a little less power - 12% or so. On the other hand, the RX480 supports multi-GPU, while the GTX 1060 does not. The best thing to do would be to read the reviews, and pick the one that runs faster in the games you actually play and plan on playing.
Both will perform very well at 1080p
NO ONE knows what developers will use in the future, dx12 async or vulkan.
The only difference I see is you can crossfire a rx480 on the future, u can't sli a 1060. Take that as you may.
They are nearly equal...yes the 1060 is just slightly faster but the difference would be totally undetectable in real time game play. AMD do seem to 'age' better so to speak. I'll be going with the 8gb 480...the lil extra memory may help ensure that frame rates don't suffer as 'very high' settings may be a bit more memory hungry in a year or two (or 3). You'll also have the best 'future proofing' ace up you sleeve with crossfire.
It's really a wash - in some games the RX 480 is a few percent faster, and in others the 1060 is a few percent faster. They also both overclock equally well. The 1060 has the minor advantage of using a little less power - 12% or so. On the other hand, the RX480 supports multi-GPU, while the GTX 1060 does not. The best thing to do would be to read the reviews, and pick the one that runs faster in the games you actually play and plan on playing.
Pretty good prediction that all future high quality 144hz 1440p and 4K screens will be anywhere from $100 to 75% less for the same exact panel with freesync vs gsync. This may kill Nvidia in the long run. Even cheap 4K TV sets will have standard 120hz/freesync and HDR very soon.