I just built a computer with an rx480 (the 8gb version), amd fx8320e, gigabyte 970a ds3p, and 8gb of ram. Based on reviews I had expected to get a good framerate (60fps or higher) at ultra or even very high settings, but this has not been the case with gta v or the witcher 3. If I want to Max out all games at 1080p, do I need to do crossfire with another rx480? Was my expectation of one rx 480 to Max out 1080p unrealistic? Or am I just not doing something right?
Full specs:
Sapphire rx480
AMD fx 8320E
Gigabyte 970a ds3p rev 2.0
Crucial ballistix sport 8GB
Seagate 1TB hard drive
XT 500W
Windows 10 home 64bit
Full specs:
Sapphire rx480
AMD fx 8320E
Gigabyte 970a ds3p rev 2.0
Crucial ballistix sport 8GB
Seagate 1TB hard drive
XT 500W
Windows 10 home 64bit