Rx 480 can't max out 1080p?


Jul 28, 2016
I just built a computer with an rx480 (the 8gb version), amd fx8320e, gigabyte 970a ds3p, and 8gb of ram. Based on reviews I had expected to get a good framerate (60fps or higher) at ultra or even very high settings, but this has not been the case with gta v or the witcher 3. If I want to Max out all games at 1080p, do I need to do crossfire with another rx480? Was my expectation of one rx 480 to Max out 1080p unrealistic? Or am I just not doing something right?

Full specs:
Sapphire rx480
AMD fx 8320E
Gigabyte 970a ds3p rev 2.0
Crucial ballistix sport 8GB
Seagate 1TB hard drive
XT 500W
Windows 10 home 64bit
You have far more expectations than your system can provide:


A system significantly faster than yours can only average 68 fps at 1080p max quality in the Witcher 3. The GPU is up to it, CPU and the rest of the system not so much.

Now my system manages 80-100fps in Doom maxed out and its slower than yours, some games it can do it.

Your choice of RX 480 was fine, it was your choice of the FX-8320e that was your downfall. AMD FX processors are dead technology, released in 2012, they are far behind Intel in performance. Hopefully when Zen is released in Q1 2017 they will be back in the game.

Ok, thanks for the input, I assumed it wasn't the 480. If I want to play gta v at very high, which processor should I go for? An upgraded AMD, or should I switch my mobo and cpu over to intel?

The AMD FX platform is a waste of money now and any processor upgrade isn't going to help you enough to be worth it.

Couple things first turn down AA a bit that will help for now.

If you want to upgrade, getting yourself an Intel Skylake based board/processor/memory (i5-6600k is the optimal processor for gaming right now) is your best choice.