Rx 480 compatibility


Aug 29, 2016
Hello all. I have recently acquired an HP elite 8100 sff pc with Windows 10 and 4gb of ram. I have an aftermarket power supply and I'm wondering if I can pair the rx480 8gb with this pc. How would I go about doing this?
Unless I am mistaken, the specs for the 8100 board is only 35W at the PCIe slot. Nowhere near the needed power for that RX 480. Seems only low end cards are possible.
Dont really care about the case as i can hack that up. The power supply is a 700 watt modular ( forgot the brand name). I know the mobo
has different connectors, i was thinking about buying adapters or splicing wires to try it that way. Seeing as to how this is my first budget build, the pcs were given to me for free. I have 2 of these. I tried the car in the pci slot and could not get the system to boot....