rx 480 or gtx 1060?


Jun 3, 2016
Hi, currently im planning to make this build: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/zGZmCy but i dont know whats best:

RX 480 8GB(https://pcpartpicker.com/product/RKX2FT/sapphire-radeon-rx-480-8gb-nitro-oc-video-card-11260-01-20g)

GTX 1060 6GB

GTX 1070 8GB

Also i have heard that 1060 cant run SLI and because that im trying to make my build as future-proof as possible i dont think thats a good idea? But im buying a low-end cooler at start so is RX 480 a good idea since AMD should get hotter than others? Now when GTX 1060 cant run SLI i thought of the 1070 but thats too expensive.
Also if you got any improvements to my build please say😉
So any good ideas guys?
P.S. I'm only 14 so i dont know lot about these graphics cards.
I'd get the 480 if you are going for 1080p gaming. If you want lower side 1440p then 1060. I don't believe in future proof, instead I buy a good system and update the GPU if needed. So, get the 480 and get something better in 2 years. This is best for value/performance.
I'd get the 480 if you are going for 1080p gaming. If you want lower side 1440p then 1060. I don't believe in future proof, instead I buy a good system and update the GPU if needed. So, get the 480 and get something better in 2 years. This is best for value/performance.

alright thanks
Sli or crossfire on low-mid range cards is never worth it due to the drawbacks. When you need more power sell what you have and get a better single card.

That aside Id opt for the 1060 6gb. The 480 only has a lead in games that run Vulcan and that's never going to be mainstream. In DX12 the 2 cards trade blows but with DX11 the 1060 has a significant lead and that's the vast majority of games out now and the list of DX12 games in the next year doesn't look that big from what I have seen.