RX 580 4gb vs 8gb


Sep 25, 2018
Hi all, I’m planning to buy a new GPU soon, and was considering an RX 580. The 4gb model is going on amazon right now for 184 dollars, and I think that is an amazing deal. However, the 8gb models are going for 240~ before tax. I don’t know which one I should get. Is the 4gb enough to game comfortably until end of 2019? Or should I get the 8gb?
However, these is a used RX 580 8gb on eBay for 170. Is 4gb enough for the most part, to last for a year or so? I know it is enough for now, but what about the future? I don’t plan for much AAA titles, Although I might try some. I don’t really know if I risk used, or just stick with new.