Question Rx 580 Games Crashing

Jun 24, 2020
Hi Everyone, I need some help.

My Build

Ryzen 5 2400G
Rx 580 8Gb
8Gb Ram
500 Psu
Msi Mobo

My Problem

I bought this build recently. Installed some games including Apex Legends and Warzone. Whenever I am playing the game the game crashes, the screen freezes, It does not take any commands. It stays like this unless I swtich the system off from power. I am not sure whats the problem here. Also, the system crashes as soon as I start playing. The games starts fine but in map or during gameplay this problem arises. It crashes early on it does not even wait a min in game to crash.

Need help. Regards
Did you install the drivers for your motherbd?

Havent installed myself. Not sure if the retailer did or not. Is there a way I can check.

Quick Update tho. I reducted the FPS to 60 -75 and now the game seems to run normal. No crashes. Although I wish to know what maximum FPS I can run without crashing.

Update 2. The game runs now but crashed after playing 10 mins or so. Still need to figure out what the issue is.. Lowering FPS allowed the game to run longer but untimately it crashes.
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Your motherbd drivers are here, select your OS and download the chipset, Lan, and Audio drivers. Grabs the onboard VGA drivers if you have a 2nd monitor connected to the motherbd video ports. Otherwise a single monitor should be connected to the rx580

Your GPU drivers are here:

Install your chipset driver & reboot. Rx580 Drivers & reboot, Onboard vga & reboot, Lan and then audio & reboot. At least now you will KNOW your drivers are the correct ones and up to date.

If you still are crashing then it's probably related to your memory timings or speed. Lets see if the drivers fix the issue first.
Your motherbd drivers are here, select your OS and download the chipset, Lan, and Audio drivers. Grabs the onboard VGA drivers if you have a 2nd monitor connected to the motherbd video ports. Otherwise a single monitor should be connected to the rx580

Your GPU drivers are here:

Install your chipset driver & reboot. Rx580 Drivers & reboot, Onboard vga & reboot, Lan and then audio & reboot. At least now you will KNOW your drivers are the correct ones and up to date.

If you still are crashing then it's probably related to your memory timings or speed. Lets see if the drivers fix the issue first.

Hi, Did everything as you said. The problem still persists. The system crashes after 20 minutes of gameplay. Please guide me what should I try next.
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See if the ram voltage is at 1.35v or try turning on XMP

Did that. I am having less issues with crash now. Tho it still crashes but not frequently.

I have another thing to ask you about Rx 580. My max core clock is 1050 Mhz in settings without overclocking. I try to tune the GPU (inside AMD driver) to give me 1300 Mhz and I also increase the voltage. But as soon as I press Apply changes the settings go back to normal. I also tried overclocking with MSI afterburner but wasnt successful. Can you please help me figure out what the issue is.

As for crashing, I am playing games on lower FPS to avoid crashing.
Is your rx580 new or 2nd hand? Check techpowerup for your model to see if your current gpu bios matches the stock bios. Repaste it and clean it is recommended. I have a 2nd hand rx580 which is working fine now. 1050 max core clock without overclocking is too low. I suspect you bought a lower tier card which was rebrand was rx580
Is your rx580 new or 2nd hand? Check techpowerup for your model to see if your current gpu bios matches the stock bios. Repaste it and clean it is recommended. I have a 2nd hand rx580 which is working fine now. 1050 max core clock without overclocking is too low. I suspect you bought a lower tier card which was rebrand was rx580

I flashed the BIOS with original. Now its showing normal clock speed of 1360 Core clock and 2000 Memory clock.

Still I am facing crash issues. I noticed that my power consumption of Rx 580 is kinda low. 7-10 watt on Idle and 50-60 Watt on 1250 Core clock. It should be more to give max clocks of 1360. But it still does not draw more power if I set 1360 clock. My guess is that It crashes as it does not draw more power. Also I have never hit 60C mark. It stay below that. My Psu is 500 watt and I also set power limit to +50%.

Please guide me how I can set m GPU to draw max power to give max results.
CoolerMaster mostly doesn't make good PSUs - and apparently the Masterwatt Lite series are particularly bad.

See the first link in my signature as to what's recommended, and what to avoid. The second link is for what you should look for if you absolutely, positively MUST go low-budget on the PSU.

Changing the PSU may not necessarily solve your problem, but, given the PSU you currently have, it's a good idea to change it out anyway.
CoolerMaster mostly doesn't make good PSUs - and apparently the Masterwatt Lite series are particularly bad.

See the first link in my signature as to what's recommended, and what to avoid. The second link is for what you should look for if you absolutely, positively MUST go low-budget on the PSU.

Changing the PSU may not necessarily solve your problem, but, given the PSU you currently have, it's a good idea to change it out anyway.

So you are suggesting that the reason my GPU dosent draw full power is because the PSU cant supply that much power and the GPU Crashes.
Pretty much. And not so much about the amount of power, but whether the PSU can supply it in a clean, steady manner. If it can't, glitches and crashes will occur. The GPU needs not just a certain amount of power, but needs it to be able to be provided immediately on demand, and in a STABLE manner.

I've used an R9 285, an RX 580, and a GTX 1080 on a factory Dell 460W PSU, but in the past few years, Dell's PSUs have been pretty good, and they advertise the 460W PSUs in the XPS towers as being able to handle up to a 225W video card.

I believe even the Corsair CX450 (2017 version) would handle it just fine, though I'd probably prefer a 550W just to give you a little extra headroom in case of future upgrades.
Pretty much. And not so much about the amount of power, but whether the PSU can supply it in a clean, steady manner. If it can't, glitches and crashes will occur. The GPU needs not just a certain amount of power, but needs it to be able to be provided immediately on demand, and in a STABLE manner.

I've used an R9 285, an RX 580, and a GTX 1080 on a factory Dell 460W PSU, but in the past few years, Dell's PSUs have been pretty good, and they advertise the 460W PSUs in the XPS towers as being able to handle up to a 225W video card.

I believe even the Corsair CX450 (2017 version) would handle it just fine, though I'd probably prefer a 550W just to give you a little extra headroom in case of future upgrades.

Is there a chance that something software related problem is causing the card to draw less power. Is there another way I can try rather then power limit increase in whattman
I don't know for certain, as I have not done any voltage tweaking on video cards. I'm saying that, assuming all the parts are in good shape, my first suspicion is that the PSU is not able to provide the power that it advertises in a stable way. The Cooler Master Masterwatt Lite is not a good PSU.

Don't try to work on multiple solutions simultaneously. Try one thing at a time. But, I suspect that the PSU could be the problem. And, don't try to reduce power limits, etc on the video card in an attempt to crutch a bad PSU.
Havent installed myself. Not sure if the retailer did or not. Is there a way I can check.

Quick Update tho. I reducted the FPS to 60 -75 and now the game seems to run normal. No crashes. Although I wish to know what maximum FPS I can run without crashing.

Update 2. The game runs now but crashed after playing 10 mins or so. Still need to figure out what the issue is.. Lowering FPS allowed the game to run longer but untimately it crashes.

Since you bought this as a pre-built contact where you bought it and get it replaced, decent chance it's a power supply issue since they tend to use lower quality power supplies.
I don't know for certain, as I have not done any voltage tweaking on video cards. I'm saying that, assuming all the parts are in good shape, my first suspicion is that the PSU is not able to provide the power that it advertises in a stable way. The Cooler Master Masterwatt Lite is not a good PSU.

Don't try to work on multiple solutions simultaneously. Try one thing at a time. But, I suspect that the PSU could be the problem. And, don't try to reduce power limits, etc on the video card in an attempt to crutch a bad PSU.

I hear you. I have tested almost everything that needs to be tested and I can safely say that the issue is not with driver and neither with hardware. I will get my PSU changed and see if things get normal. Thanks for help.