Question RX 6600 with 6 years old Thermaltake Smart SE 530W power supply

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Jan 19, 2023

I am planning to buy XFX RX 6600 8GB graphic card but I currently can't afford a good power supply. I have 6 years old Thermaltake Smart SE 530 W power supply and I'm wondering if it can "hold" RX 6600 and Ryzen 5 1600 until I upgrade to better CPU and PSU in 2 months?

Thank you,


Jul 21, 2021
I mean, it should be enough wattage, but yeah running a brand new GPU with an old PSU is generally not a great idea. That being said, you do have a few things going for you. My experience with XFX warranties has been amazing, second only to Logitech. They sent me GPU after GPU, because the one I bought didn't work right in my 13 YEAR OLD Dell Workstation with it's 2008 525W PSU. All I paid for was a 15 dollar shipping label. Also, that ThermalTake is a good power supply. Chances are it is not going to fry anything, as it is not THAT old. I ran an AMD RX 5600 XT and an i7-3930K OC'ed to 4.2Ghz just fine on an even older Corsair unit. For now, you should be good. You have a decent, albeit old PSU with a GPU that doesn't draw that much power, made by a company with a great RMA policy. I hope this helps you!
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