[SOLVED] RX 6700 XT - no signal, black screen on boot, no display. Tried most everything.

Dec 28, 2021
Computer Type: Desktop
Motherboard: MSI MEG x570 Unify
BIOS Version: just installed latest. 7C35vAB
RAM: 64GB HyperX 4x16
PSU: EVGA 750 B3
MONITOR: 2X Acer KN242HYL (one on HDMI, one on DP to HDMI passive adapter)
Operating System & Version: WINDOWS 10 PRO
GPU Drivers: Adrenalin 21.12.1 Optional

Description of Original Problem:
I have a 6700x that appears to boot normally, but only produces a black screen on my monitors. I have a dual monitor setup, with two older monitors that do not have DP connections, so on one I used HDMI, and the other a DP to HDMI adapter. This seemed to work fine at first, but I did notice a few new “quirks” in my machine. A few blackscreen flicker/crashes when using certain applications. But mostly I noticed that sometimes the Black Screen Boot(BBS) would occur after a full shutoff. Boot up, tower lights/fans all responding as expected, but no display on either monitor. System unresponsive to keypresses. Once the screens go into standby mode they won’t wake up. If you unplug the cables completely, monitor will register “cable not connected” rather than “no signal” before going into standby.

At first this issue was intermittent, and could be fixed by simply power cycling the tower again. But the problem has seemed to grow more pronounced over time, though I can’t be sure of this as I don’t often fully shut down the machine.

But last week I shutdown and couldn’t get it to display anything no matter how many times I tried.
-I cycled power
-switched cords
-unplugged cables
- etc.

for about 4 hours, until suddenly, for no apparent reason, IT WORKED. I tried to figure out what I had done differently but as far as I could tell the only thing I’d done that wasn't completely normal was let the tower boot before plugging the monitor in (the DP>HDMI). Of course I’d done that ten times by this point, so not a clue what the “fix” was.

Since then I’d been terrified to let the machine turn off, fearing another evening spent troubleshooting by trial and error. But yesterday got a bug up my ass to fix some of the problems I found the week before, hoping to be able restore functionality so I can, u kno, shut if off if I want to. I DDU’d all old NVIDIA drivers from my system. Updated all Chipset/bios/gpu drivers, and installed the new PRO radeon GPU drivers. In doing so the machine had to restart a number of times, and did so without a problem (it seems that a quick off/on as in restarts initiated by windows or the reset button don’t produce the BBS). I did this a few extra times to make sure booting was happening as expected, and all drivers were “settled” with a restart.

All good. Went for the full shutoff, in order to fix the daisy chained power supply that I had installed (idiot?) and give the case a dusting, and afterwards, the BBS was back. Boot looks fine, motherboard posts proper codes, and shows cpu temp after post, GPU lights as it should and all fans test and then settle to a mid-range. Temps normal. No display. Not through HDMI or the new cable/adapter I bought.

Again, I’ve tried all the stuff from before, and a few more.

I’ve Tried:
  • Power cycling, both monitors and the Computer on/off.
  • Every combination of plugging one thing in before the other thing.
  • Clearing CMOS
  • Jumping CMOS and removing battery
  • Resettling GPU in PCIE - dusted inside.
  • Bought new DP>HDMI cable (also passive, but this worked before)
  • Bought new HDMI 2.1 cable
  • Repeated power cycling/on/off with new cables.
  • Tried other GPU ports (moved DP adapter to other port)

I’ve read about other folks with similar problems, but have yet to find anyone else’s fix that works for me. Most involve disconnecting monitor and power cycling, something to do with a “linking problem”? The only “change” I made was un-daisy-chaining the power to GPU, but if anything that ought to help right?

Anyway, I’m out of ideas, and not sure how to proceed. I know this is a known issue, I know my monitors are old, no I haven’t re-installed the old card to check bios and revert, but trying to avoid that.

Any ideas much appreciated.
Many newer cards are having issues with some monitors and DisplayPort versions differences. Has something to do with pin #20 in the DP and the handshake between monitor and gpu. Like USB or hdmi, often just hot-plugging the monitor can force a handshake, but mainly the fix has been to just use hdmi as it seems to be more reliable.
Many newer cards are having issues with some monitors and DisplayPort versions differences. Has something to do with pin #20 in the DP and the handshake between monitor and gpu. Like USB or hdmi, often just hot-plugging the monitor can force a handshake, but mainly the fix has been to just use hdmi as it seems to be more reliable.