Question Rx 6750xt Error

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Feb 4, 2023
I recently upgraded my system to a RX 6750XT (Asrock), and had used it just fine for the past few days.
Today, I loaded up a game (R6) that I had played previously, and with zero changes somehow ended up with a black screen but a still running PC., and a persistent black screen after every hard reboot.

So far, I can tell it is a GPU issue, as both my previous gpu and an old Radeon 7000 have booted with image just fine. Ive used DDU to try and remove all drivers, tried a fresh windows install, and removed cmos, and still am unable to get a display out.

The most likely crash event that I could find was a WHEA event 18, cache hierarchy error, source 3 type 9.
later crash logs showed a driver issue, with the default windows video driver not working (Drivers were uninstalled at this point and unable to reinstall due to no screen)

Past that I have no clue what to do further or what could possibly have caused the error. Advice would be greatly appreciated.
Today, I loaded up a game (R6) that I had played previously, and with zero changes somehow ended up with a black screen but a still running PC., and a persistent black screen after every hard reboot.

what are specs of the PC?? what PSU do you have?
It could be a lack of power. Display is not seen as essential so it and USB first things to be turned off if power is a problem.

WHEA event 18, cache hierarchy error, source 3 type 9.

indications are that could be CPU, not GPU, that caused that event. changing bios settings or using different chipset drivers have been known to fix it - link

Cache Hierarchy is usually indicative of cores being unstable and not getting the Vcore they need. Unless the cores are physically defective, which is rarer and doesn't sound like yours is.

I would try GPU on another PC and see if it works.
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Soecs are:
R5 5600x
Thermalwright phantom spirit
Asrock b450m Pro 4
32gb (8x4) 3200 Mhz gskil ripjaws
Corsair Rm 750e

I don’t believe it is a psu issue as i sort of stress tested it by playing Star citizen for ~30 min which hit both cpu and gpu hard.

I have ryzen master/PBO installed, but it was still set to default, so no under/over voltage.

Ill try the gpu in another pc later today and share the results. Thanks!
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