Rx570 8-pin question


Jun 13, 2017
I'm relatively new to building a pc, and i found out something about the Rx570, it said that i need an 8 pin ECI-P power adapter? do i need to buy that separately or does it come with it, or is there something else.

I dont know much about it :/
You could have asked in your previous thread.

However, the 8-pin will come with the power supply. If you have any questions about PC building, use this video:

You could have asked in your previous thread.

However, the 8-pin will come with the power supply. If you have any questions about PC building, use this video:


Either your PSU has it or it doesn't. It doesn't come with the video card. You might find an adapter for the older Molex connectors to PCI-E, but if you need those, I'd look at replacing your PSU with a quality unit that has PCI-E 8pin cables.