RX570 usage 100% even in low-end games


Feb 26, 2017
As the title suggests, as soon as I start a game (any game) gpu usage jumps to 100%, temps rise very fast and soon fans kick in at max speed. It makes no sense at all, ie. Darkest Dungeon, a game that's playable on my laptop with intel hd graphics makes rx570 sweat like crazy...back when I had rx460 I remember the same game using about 10% of GPU power and temps stayed close to idle...and now It's 100% and temps in the 70-80's ?? I'm using the lates drivers (18.9.2) and don't have a virus (fresh win install). When I exit the game usage drops back to 0%. What is happening?

You probably have your framerate set to unlimited. This means that the gpu is going to run as fast as it can do give you as many frames as it can. By limiting your framerate you will limit how much you gpu has to do.
Try setting custom fan profile and enable, see if that does anything. I usually set to hit 100% by 68c 20% at 30c and gradually move up. Also check your framerate

Check the Radeon settings, the ones you can access via system tray or right clicking on desktop. Make sure nothing crazy is being forced. Put these off or to follow games settings. Check globally and per game.

Outside of that I'm not really sure, could be a deeper issue
I did limit my framerate to 75hz. Also checked my settings. Nothing helped at first, than I closed AMDs Wattman and switched to MSI Afterburner for monitoring and the problem went away lol. Strange bugs still plague Wattman it seems 🙁