RX580 Freezes while gaming after mining


Oct 16, 2016
Hi, i bought a RX580 8GB and modded the bios (memory timings) for mining. It's mining okey, never a crash or something, but a lot of times (not always) when i stop mining (i change workload to gaming and restore stock clocks) i open a game and i have low fps or i get a solid color (any color) and the computer freeze and i have to reboot. Sometimes it happens while the game is opening or after some minutes of gaming.

Recently i was playing RSS and after 10 minutes the game crashed, then i opened it again and had weird things (i don't know if those were artifacts) like walls in black color, and some things appearing where they shouldn't, so i restarted the game again and when the main menu was loading i got a solid color screen and computer froze.

They GPU is still on warranty but i don't know if they currently have stock, should i RMA it or maybe it is the PSU? Before i was using a RX480 Nitro+ OC and never had a problem like this.

- Asus p8h77m-pro
- Kingston HyperX blue 1600MHz
- Intel i5 2500
- Cooler master rs-600-pcar-e3

Thanks in advance!
I'll restore the bios, the won't look at that. If its the modded bios why is it happening only after mining? and why is not happening during mining where the memory is used a lot?
different use case. the modded BIOS might be stable for mining purpose (it was the main reason for the modded tweak) but it does not mean the same setting will be stable under gaming load. even overclocking are sometimes like this. that's why some people save several overclocking profile to use with different games.
To check if the timings are causing this, if i set stock timings to everything and the mining timings at 2000, and if i play at 1999MHz i would be using stock timings and i would be mining at 2060MHz so i would still getting good hashrate because i would be using the moddified timings, right?