[SOLVED] RX580 vs PS4 vs new PC


Aug 16, 2018

I have the following PC:
I5 -2400, 8 Gb Ram, gtx 750 ti

Objective: Play Red Dead Redemption 2 at medium on a 1280x1024 19" screen.
TLDR: Last week i wanted to buy a PS4 for 400$ to play the game (s). But yesterday i found out that i can buy a rx 580 for 150$ and do the same thing.

I played the game at a friend and the low presets look bad, like year 2000 bad. I don't know if it's a bug, or it's badly optimized, or it's on purpose or all of them.
So even if my gtx 750 ti might run the games at 30-40 fps on low, i will not accept it.
I was 90% going to buy a PS4 for 300-400$ and play the game and other exclusives without headaches.

But there is a but. I found out that there might be offers in my countries for a rx-580 (4 gb) for ±150$. And i also have a list with other games that i may play on PC if i upgrade my gpu.
And if more games appear in 2 years time, i can use the gpu in another PC (maybe a new one).

I am not interested in 1080p/2k/ ultra details / 30" screen or other stuff. For the moment i just want to play the games with what i have.

What do you guys think?
Can your psu handle a 580?

RDR2 is a beast of a game, mostly due to bugs i think but should settle. Your system should run ok at your desired settings but if you can help it, an system upgrade would be a good idea too. Personally im against consoles for these kind of games because i prefer m&k.

Suggestive upgrades

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor ($117.68 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: ASRock B450M PRO4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($74.98 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Aegis 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($59.44 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: SeaSonic FOCUS SGX 450 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular SFX Power Supply ($84.99 @ Amazon)
Your cpu is just under the minimum requirements and your 8gb RAM is the minimum recommended. This game is stressing out systems that have recommended or above hardware. I don’t believe a gpu upgrade is enough to get this game playable at an enjoyable level, for pc you are looking a full rebuild.
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Can your psu handle a 580?

RDR2 is a beast of a game, mostly due to bugs i think but should settle. Your system should run ok at your desired settings but if you can help it, an system upgrade would be a good idea too. Personally im against consoles for these kind of games because i prefer m&k.

Suggestive upgrades

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor ($117.68 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: ASRock B450M PRO4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($74.98 @ Amazon)
Memory: G.Skill Aegis 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($59.44 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: SeaSonic FOCUS SGX 450 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular SFX Power Supply ($84.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $337.09
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-11-21 05:27 EST-0500
I have RDR2 on my PS4 and wouldn't dream of buying it for the PC due to the very poor optimization of the game. The game will probably clock up your CPU.
Are you going to buy RDR2 for the online experience or just story mode? I'm not sure, but I could imagene the online game is a bit more intuitive on the PC. It's not really that great on PS4 but you can still have som fun.
If you are going for the solo story I would go with PS4 since it's a cinematic game that should be enjoyed from the couch as it was meant to be played - if online then perhaps it could be worth playing it on the PC.

Only con against buying a PS4 is the timing since the PS5 will come out end 2020.
Thank you all for your quick responses.

Your cpu is just under the minimum requirements and your 8gb RAM is the minimum recommended. This game is stressing out systems that have recommended or above hardware. I don’t believe a gpu upgrade is enough to get this game playable at an enjoyable level, for pc you are looking a full rebuild.

The minimum requirements are not always a real guideline.
I studied intensively benchmark on PC's with i5-2400 and everybody runs the game at 50-60 fps without problems at 70-80% CPU usage. The real bottleneck and the most stressed out part will be the GPU.
And between 2500 (minimum recommended cpu) and mine 2400 there are 200mhz difference. I highly doubt it that the game will be unplayable for 200 mhz. And also take notice that i will not play the game on 1920x1080, but on 1280x1024, which is far less space to render.

I have RDR2 on my PS4 and wouldn't dream of buying it for the PC due to the very poor optimization of the game. The game will probably clock up your CPU.
Are you going to buy RDR2 for the online experience or just story mode? I'm not sure, but I could imagene the online game is a bit more intuitive on the PC. It's not really that great on PS4 but you can still have som fun.
If you are going for the solo story I would go with PS4 since it's a cinematic game that should be enjoyed from the couch as it was meant to be played - if online then perhaps it could be worth playing it on the PC.

Only con against buying a PS4 is the timing since the PS5 will come out end 2020.

The point here was only spending ±150$ more to play the game on an existing rig instead of paying 400$ on a new PS4. And about the PS5, maybe you are right, but until release we won't be able to tell if the thing will be good or not. Remember, PS3 was a fluke! Good things come to those who wait. I know the consumerism yells at you to pre-order the PS5 now, but why not buy a PS4 at half the price, you now for sure it's good, and you have a big list of nice exclusives.
But that's another story.

Each to their own. In case with gta5, i could never use a controller 😁
I agree, but driving with a controller is far more rewarding than with a keyboard 😀

Thanks again to all of you!
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I'm handicapped playing GTA5 on my PC. I use the controller when I just need to drive and run around but whenever I need to use the gun I switch to my keyboard and mouse 😀
i became handycapped thanks to play gta 5 on ps3, so now that i play it on pc my handycapped status makes me lazy enough to play only with a ps3 controller, i don't even know how to play it with keyboard

about the original question, yes you can, if randomgaminghd could play it with a athlon 200ge

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51k3wZ988Ss

you will be able to with a i5, but your expectations will have to be moderated, so yes, play in 720p at medium to low settings

if you buy that gpu as mentioned your psu must be up to the task, is very likely you find very little improvement over the gtx 750 ti, so it might end motivating you to move into a newer ryzen pc, just keep the rx gpu with the newer pc, when you build one

in general, buy the game, play it, if on the mentioned settings is not enough for you, buy the gpu, at worst you will see that the old i5 is almost 10 years old and is time to replace it

about the ps4, remember that is near to end of life thanks to the release of ps5 in november 2020, also that the copy of the ps4 game does not run 60fps, it will run for moments under 30fps on the ps4, so buy the game, play it on the hardware you already have, if you discover that the experience needs improvements, start with the gpu, then cpu because is really old and weak

my point is that in the end you will spend around the same as on the ps4 but you will have a better experience at the end
The minimum requirements are not always a real guideline.
I studied intensively benchmark on PC's with i5-2400 and everybody runs the game at 50-60 fps without problems at 70-80% CPU usage. The real bottleneck and the most stressed out part will be the GPU.
And between 2500 (minimum recommended cpu) and mine 2400 there are 200mhz difference. I highly doubt it that the game will be unplayable for 200 mhz. And also take notice that i will not play the game on 1920x1080, but on 1280x1024, which is far less space to render.
Your average FPS may be OK, but I'd be worried about stuttering. Resolution doesn't directly affect CPU usage, so the fact that you're playing at a lower resolution won't help if you're hitting the limits of your CPU.
The most comparable setup on youtube i found is this :
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJfWgjp71P8

I52400 with Rx590 (instead of 580).
According to the comments he uses high/ultra at 1080p on a dual monitor setup! And as you can see in the video, it looks very smooth 50-60 fps at leas by my standards.
So based on this i am pretty sure my trusty 2400 will raise to the challenge at 1080p without major issues.
After some research time i came to the conclusion that old CPUs are not impacted so much in gaming, you can play with 5-10 years old CPU without major problems, there was a video on YT in which you can clearly see that the difference between 5 generations of I5 (2400-9400) it's about 10-20 fps, which is impressive for such an age imho.
I will try the game with both GPU's and will write here my findings.
But you ll have to wait for another month, because the new GPU and the game are "Christmas presents" 😀