[SOLVED] Ryzen 1400 to Ryzen 2600 UPGRADE

Alahmed Jihha

Nov 20, 2015
My specs:

Ryzen 5 1400 3,5ghz
RX580 8gb
12GB ram (8GB+4GB) 2400

I just want more fps and be able to change my GPU in 2 or 3 years without changing the cpu.

Should i get a 2600 or just stay with my 1400 for more 2 years?

I wont be buying the new ryzens next year, they will be VERY expensive in my country and i know for a fact that they wont drop the price of the 2600 so much.
I went from a 1300X to a 2600X and I could be more happier, I don't even have to bother keeping the overclocking on the 2600X. RAM @ 2400 mhz is a performance hinder for Ryzen you can gain as much as 15% just but swapping to 3200mhz.

1400-2600 is going to add at least 15%
2400-3200 RAM speed adds another 15% and overclock to 3400 to 3600 mhz adds another 10-15%

The RAM you have and the 1400 should resell decently and offset the upgrade costs. 15% doesn't seem like much does it? Your basically adding 5-9 fps depending on how low your getting so it adds up fairly fast.
TBH, unless you are doing something that can utilize the multi thread I don't really feel it's worth the money to "upgrade" on that yet. Most sites cite about a 20% increase in performance between 1xxx and 2xxx. By most accounts that has to reach 30% to even be able to tell outside benchmark numbers for bragging rights. Your biggest notable difference would be clock speed and you can narrow that to some degree with an OC of current chip (discounting that ability with new of course)

Isnt the single core performance better? I mean, in emulators i would get more fps than the 1400 right?
I went from a 1300X to a 2600X and I could be more happier, I don't even have to bother keeping the overclocking on the 2600X. RAM @ 2400 mhz is a performance hinder for Ryzen you can gain as much as 15% just but swapping to 3200mhz.

1400-2600 is going to add at least 15%
2400-3200 RAM speed adds another 15% and overclock to 3400 to 3600 mhz adds another 10-15%

The RAM you have and the 1400 should resell decently and offset the upgrade costs. 15% doesn't seem like much does it? Your basically adding 5-9 fps depending on how low your getting so it adds up fairly fast.