Ryzen 1600 Really Bad Performence On GTA V

Haluk Aliev

Apr 10, 2017
-Computer Type: Desktop

-GPU: Sapphire Nitro+ RX 480 8GB (sold it and bought a GTX 1070 it didn't come yet)

-CPU: Ryzen 1600

-Motherboard: MSI B350 PC MATE

-RAM: 8GB Single Stick G.SKILL 2133 MHZ

-PSU: Aerocool KCAS 600W 80+ Bronze

-Operating System & Version: Windows 10

-GPU Drivers: 17.6.2

-Chipset Drivers: 17.10 I think

-Background Applications: Steam, Spotify, Discord

-Description of Original Problem: CPU temps and clock speed seems fine (While playing GTA V I get 50C and clock speed is 3.20 Mhz) but there is a performance problem even if I turn down settings my fps didn't change that much I cannot get stable 60 fps, always dipping to 35 to 55 fps most of the time.

-Troubleshooting: I have tryed installing the chipset drivers from the AMDs site didn't work but I haven't tryed updating my bios and so it is out of the box version.
Disable anything that causes a difference in clocks between the cores,use the amd master software to lock all the cores to 3.2 or whatever the CPU supports.
Gta V has a real problem with syncing it's threads when they aren't all running at the same speed.
you can download MalwareBytes and check if there are any bitcoin mining malwares in your system. Such malwares consume your CPU and /or GPU power a lot. You can also check it by opening the task manager to see if there is a process that is consuming a lot of CPU power. For me, that has been an issue twice.

Also what resolution are you playing at, and try updating all drivers, gpu, cpu, bios etc

I am playing at 1080p and my GPU drivers chipset drivers are up to date but my bios is not should I update my bios ?

What settings are you playing on and where does this FPS drop? I mean I used to have a GTX 1060, I ran the game nearly maxed out with a few setting turned down but occasionally my FPS dropped, too.

Playing at high but my fps is not dropping my fps is just bad thats the issue.

I see. Your FPS should be a constant 60 at high. You should check for mining malwares as I mentioned in my first comment.

Just did a scan on malwarebytes nothing on there should I RMA my CPU ?

Interesting, One thing you can try is doing a clean windows reinstall and then installing al the drivers again. If that doesn't help, it's likely that it's a hardware problem.

That's weird because my friend has the Ryzen 1600 and gets around 110fps. First check if it is not your GPU, you mention that you have sold your rx 480 and your 1070 hasn't arrived yet. What GPU are you using that gives you the low frame rate?

oh yea your right, i just noticed that

Before I sold my rx 480 I did sent it to the RMA and they found nothing they did a deep test and just gave my card back.

Did a clean windows 10 install 3 times didn't work.
Disable anything that causes a difference in clocks between the cores,use the amd master software to lock all the cores to 3.2 or whatever the CPU supports.
Gta V has a real problem with syncing it's threads when they aren't all running at the same speed.

I do have Ryzen Master but I don't know how to lock the cores.