ryzen 1600x with rtx 2070? will it bottleneck


I think so, at 1440p the CPU is not as important as the GPU and the RTX 2070 will come into it's own....Plus it gives you time to then look at a proper upgrade in 2019...

I have a gtx 970 and i5 4690 but im upgrading to rtx 2070 and still deciding wich cpu /mobo/ram bundle to choose and I am wondering how the ryzen 1600x will perform and im playing at 1080p for now
Okay, just to be clear, the difference in gaming between a i5 4690 and the 1600X is not going to be that big if at all....So do think carefully about the next CPU to upgrade to.

If it is pure gaming you are after and at 1080P, then the 8600K/9600K at the medium end would offer the most performance coupled to the RTX 2070. The Ryzen 2600 will also be good though still behind the Intel side and in some games by a fair bit...though much better on the productivity side..

And lets say I keep the i5 4690 and buy a 4k monitor? would that be better?
For a RTX 2070 a 1440p monitor would be best as for 4K the 2080 or 2080ti are needed.

The RTX 2070 will give you a great boost right now with the i5 4690 and then think about upgrading the CPU/Motherboard and RAM next either to Ryzen and remember the new Ryzen 3rd Gen is not too far away and might/should catchup in gaming with Intel and fingers crossed will be cheaper...And if not, you still have Intel's 9th Gen in the 9600K/9700K to look too...

So the smartest option would be to buy a 1440p monitor and keep the cpu for now rather than buying a ryzen 2600?

I think so, at 1440p the CPU is not as important as the GPU and the RTX 2070 will come into it's own....Plus it gives you time to then look at a proper upgrade in 2019 as you will have more options and hopefully some good prices as well for a CPU/Motherboard/Ram combination and the good thing is the RTZ 2070 and the 1440p monitor will already be in place...