Ryzen 1700 temp shows 0 C in all programs


Mar 14, 2017
I just completed my build last night with a Ryzen 1700 and ASUS Crosshair mobo. At first the temp was showing fine in Bios and Ryzen Master. At some point during updating the drivers and BIOS the temperature stopped being reported. I now see 0 C in every program that reports the Ryzen CPU temperature. Any fixes?
Question from RyanKow : "Ryzen 1700 shows 0 C for temp"

I just built my Ryzen 1700 with Asus Crosshair mobo. Initially I was seeing a CPU temp in the BIOS and Ryzen Master. Now it is showing 0 C even when running a loaded test. Any thoughts on how to get my temp to display?

Yeah, if I don't overclock in the BIOS I am able to see temperature. As soon as I overclock in the BIOS then I lose temperature.

having same issue ryzen master showing 0c