Ryzen 1700x temp increase after updating bios and OC ram


Aug 26, 2015
Hey all,

I just updated my bios for the first time since July of 2017. The reason being was because I never got around to OC my ram, which is rated for 3200 since there were plenty of problems in that regard. I have had my 1700x overclocked to 3.9 @ 1.35V since I first built my PC and now since I updated the bios, returned my CPU oc as it had been and overclocked my ram to 3200, I'm getting higher temps on my CPU. I used to get idle temps of 18-21c and it never exceeded 45c when gaming. Now, my idle temps are 35c-45c and 65c is the highest it has reached when gaming. Does anyone have any idea why this is so? I have looked over my bios settings and they are exactly the same before I updated, except for the ram of course.

I'm not trying to be too anal about the temps, just trying to make sure they are in a safe range for long term.

The temp also seems to jump around quite a bit even on idle, causing my fans to ramp up then back down.

MB: Asus Crosshair VI Hero

Looking through AI Suite 3, they're still saved to the same config I've had the whole time.
Hmmm! 18 - 21 degrees C is roughly room temperature - unless you had magnificent (or thermoelectric) cooling or a really cold room, that original reading was probably not real - too low! I suspect the BIOS update ensured you are now getting more accurate readings. Also, what utility is being used to measure the temps?

Most CPU coolers limit the heat rise at idle to 35 - 40 degrees C. above room temps (see recent commentary on p3 in Tom's recent case test - https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/panzer-g-mid-tower-chassis,5607.html), so an actual temp of maybe 55 degrees C. could be expected. Your 35-45 degree C. idle temp is low compared to that.

I have always tried to verify actual temps vs. reported temps by using a heat measure "gun" to look at the CPU cooler temps. Obviously the actual CPU temps can't be lower than the cooler temps and, unless you are using a thermoelectric cooler setup, you won't have either below room temps! Also, if you can, use a heat measure gun on the underside of the mobo to see what it reads. I then note this down on a piece of paper and stick this in the case so I won't lose it.

As an aside, I just ran Speedfan and it reports my CPU temp as 67C, while the individual cores are between 42C and 45C (how is that for confusion?). A different tool tells me my CPU is about 45C. Speccy says my CPU is betwen 45C and 50C. Your temp tool may be lying to you even now.

I didn't even think that my temp reading might have been wrong this whole time. I'm using HWINFO64, like I've always been. Ryzen master and AI suite 3 report the same temp aswell.