Ryzen 1700x with DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)


Jul 18, 2018
Hi guys and gals,

So, I messed up on my shipping address of the order of my memory sticks. I won't get them until next week but I have every other component for my PC build. I'm wondering whats the worst that can happen if I try to use my old DDR3 from this computer just to get my new Ryzen computer up and running. Can I cause any sort of damage(sorry probably dumb question) or will it just possibly be massive stability issues that may make it unusable?

Heres my completed build: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/F3nGnH

Here's the old memory sticks I have available to possibly try to use: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145224

Worse case scenario I wait a week, no biggie, but just really excited to try out this new ryzen build!

The notch on the sticks are in a different spot and the pinout is different so the memory not only won't fit it just won't work at all anyways. So don't try it you will just need to wait unfortunately.

EDIT: It should also be noted that the pins are smaller and more densely packed in DDR4. DDR3 has 240pin while DDR4 uses 284pins so in the same area there are now 44 more pins than before.

Hi McMunroe and Caqde, thanks for that info and the quick replies! I will just patiently wait and work on reading up on my new ryzen system! Thanks again.
You are kidding right? You know DDR3 & DDR4 are not interchangeable. Physically they are different size and have their keys are different. Their voltage is different with the DDR4 being lower voltage. If you can't wait go buy some DDR4 at Frys and return them when your Amazon RAM arrives.


Well if it physically doesn't fit I don't think it can get to that result and I'm sure I would have noticed had i tried. I know this question was silly but I wouldn't have taken a hammer and forced the memory into the board lol.

Some have, lol!