Ryzen 1800X temperature offset confusion.

Oct 9, 2018
So I know these particular processors have a +20'c temperature offset, and I see in many other places that people say the max safe temp is 95'c. I'm building my rig now with a H80i V2 cooler and I need to know before I start pushing this thing too far.

The information online has left me a little confused, does that mean the max safe area of temperature is 95'c (with the offset) or 95'c (without the offset.) ??
I need to know the actual temperature limit without the offset, so that I can be clear minded.

I observe my temperatures constantly while gaming with 'open hardware monitor' and I don't want to be that person who has messed up his chip because I was 20' wrong from my calculations when managing an overclock. I don't want to be at 95' when I could actually be doing a dangerous 115'.

Would appreciate correct information here as the other information available online is very jumbled because of the offset.

Honestly wish they wouldn't do this offset business at all, false information only sews confusion, and it's unnecessary. (I wonder if this offset junk can be disabled)
I do not know if this program in particular performs the subtraction of 20ºC. But as I recall, "Ryzen Master" DOES the subtraction.

I recommend that you perform the temperature test with Ryzen Master and you will leave doubts.