Ryzen 2200g - Framerate drops, stuttering, and GPU spikes


Nov 3, 2009
Hi all,

I'm having very bad stuttering/framerate drops on most games on my 2200g. Build is 2200g w/ Gigabyte AB350M Gaming 3 (latest BIOS F23d). Every few minutes or so, framerate drops from wherever it is (40-60 depending on the game) to about 10. This lasts for about 30 seconds and then goes away. During that time, the GPU is spiking to 99% or so, whereas when FPS is high, it's in the 80's.

Here's what I've tried so far to fix it:

1. System is already OC'd, so it should not be the auto-clocking or down-clocking. System is stable and I've done many long tests.

2. Disabled Cool N' Quiet, Global C State, Performance Boost in BIOS

3. Tried both the latest drivers (Adrenaline 18.5.1 and the "stable" combination of chipset 18.4 and gpu 17.7). In both cases I used DDU in safe mode and clean install, chipset always first

4. Allocated 2gb as dedicated to the iGPU in BIOS

Any ideas? I'm almost ready to give up on this whole system for gaming and keep it as a HTPC and stick to console gaming

i had exactly same problem , when the temp go over 62 degree cpu start downclocking igpu and cpu clocks so fps goes down
i have same cpu and mother board like you