Question Ryzen 3600 or 3700x or 9700k for gaming?


Oct 21, 2012
Hello,i want to build a new pc solely for gaming and have decided to pair rtx 2070 super with one of the above cpu.i will be gaming at 1440p 16:9 144hz monitor.i am wondering which of the above cpu gives best consistent framerate(something like best 1% and 0.1.% low,just read on internet,it is important for smoother gameplay without micro shuttering)

Previously i had ryzen 1600 and gtx 1060gb and a 1080p monitor.I was having constant micro shuttering issues with some games like gta 5,witcher 3,evil within 2 and others which made gameplay experience bitter.also the pc was slow.but my other pc having 4690k had no such problem and it also ran faster.
Now i was wondering if there is same micro shuttering issue with 3600 or 3700x and found some people on forum are also complaining regarding the issue on 3600/3700x.
.most of the reviewers are recommending 3600 for gaming.i also want to go for it as it is best bang for buck but i am afraid of those annoying micro shutters again ,so i am leaning towards 9700k(and sometime again back to ryzen).kindly help me decide what to do.thanks a lot.
One last thing-My last option ,buy now or wait for next cpu and gpu announcement .
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I didn't have microstutters on my Ryzen 1600 with GTA5, I never played the other games you listed. But microstutters weren't a problem with all the games I did play. What kind of hard drive did you have on the system?

For your new system, make sure you get an NVME hard drive.
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I have just built a system with a 3700X & 2080 Super for 1440p 144Hz and its just brilliant. I also used a MSI B450 Tomahawk Max and 2x16GB 3200mhz. I was in a similar situation looking at 9700k and 3700X and decided to go AMD. This was after going through numerous reviews, benchmarks and videos.
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You should wait until next gen ryzen CPUs, so you don't need to change your mobo. But your problem isn't the CPU, R5 1600 works good in GTAV with that GPU. Pair this uprage by getting an nvme as @gggplaya says and a new GPU (RTX3000 or whatever they will call it) or new RDNA GPUs.
You should wait until next gen ryzen CPUs, so you don't need to change your mobo. But your problem isn't the CPU, R5 1600 works good in GTAV with that GPU. Pair this uprage by getting an nvme as @gggplaya says and a new GPU (RTX3000 or whatever they will call it) or new RDNA GPUs.
From what I have read desktop Ryzen 4000 series is not due until Q3-Q4 next year, it is only mobile cpu's coming out in Q1. Also I have not seen any confirmation if 4000 series will or will not need a new motherboard.
I have just built a system with a 3700X & 2080 Super for 1440p 144Hz and its just brilliant. I also used a MSI B450 Tomahawk Max and 2x16GB 3200mhz. I was in a similar situation looking at 9700k and 3700X and decided to go AMD. This was after going through numerous reviews, benchmarks and videos.
Sure its brilliant with those specs, but the problem to him in this case is something related software or so. The threads on the 1600 could not be used as much as an 4690k which have two less cores. Try to get up the graphical settings to get more stable framerate and stress more the GPU than the CPU.
Sure its brilliant with those specs, but the problem to him in this case is something related software or so. The threads on the 1600 could not be used as much as an 4690k which have two less cores. Try to get up the graphical settings to get more stable framerate and stress more the GPU than the CPU.
As he said "Previously i had ryzen 1600 " I assumed he no longer has the 1600. I am just sharing my experience of 3700x that it suffers no stuttering.
From what I have read desktop Ryzen 4000 series is not due until Q3-Q4 next year, it is only mobile cpu's coming out in Q1. Also I have not seen any confirmation if 4000 series will or will not need a new motherboard.
In theory depending and what our friend had, ryzen 4000 should be compatible. But yes it's kinda late Q3 Q4, and we know nothing about the new gen.
Have you checked out reviews for 3600? especially GamersNexus' video review.

Steve found that the 3600's 1% and .1% lows were very good. Probably a result of the boosting the processor does on lightly loaded threads. I think you'll find the Zen2 will be the better gaming-only processor if your concern is microstuttering AND you're working to a budget.

Any microstuttering I come across is a result of pushing my GPU overclock too hard, getting it hot so it starts pulling clocks way too far back. I'm running a 3700X and no thread ever exceeds 50% utilization even in the most intense of games. Of course, I also play at 1440p which puts the burden on the GPU.
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Thankyou all for your responses.SIZZLING is right.i sold my ryzen 1600 because of those micro shuttering.glad to hear that 3600 and 3700x doesn't have such problem.thanks for confirming.
yea,i saw gamer nexus review for 3600 ,thats how i came to know about about 1 and .1% low.but was still unsure about 3600 or 3700x because previous reviews for 1600 were also good.i assume mine was bad luck.
My budget allows either 3600 with 2080s or 3700x/9700k (both are approx.same price at my place) with 2070s.or i could pair 3600 and 2070 and save some bucks.what do you think which configuration will be best for gaming? Thanks again.