Hello,i want to build a new pc solely for gaming and have decided to pair rtx 2070 super with one of the above cpu.i will be gaming at 1440p 16:9 144hz monitor.i am wondering which of the above cpu gives best consistent framerate(something like best 1% and 0.1.% low,just read on internet,it is important for smoother gameplay without micro shuttering)
Previously i had ryzen 1600 and gtx 1060gb and a 1080p monitor.I was having constant micro shuttering issues with some games like gta 5,witcher 3,evil within 2 and others which made gameplay experience bitter.also the pc was slow.but my other pc having 4690k had no such problem and it also ran faster.
Now i was wondering if there is same micro shuttering issue with 3600 or 3700x and found some people on forum are also complaining regarding the issue on 3600/3700x.
.most of the reviewers are recommending 3600 for gaming.i also want to go for it as it is best bang for buck but i am afraid of those annoying micro shutters again ,so i am leaning towards 9700k(and sometime again back to ryzen).kindly help me decide what to do.thanks a lot.
One last thing-My last option ,buy now or wait for next cpu and gpu announcement .
Previously i had ryzen 1600 and gtx 1060gb and a 1080p monitor.I was having constant micro shuttering issues with some games like gta 5,witcher 3,evil within 2 and others which made gameplay experience bitter.also the pc was slow.but my other pc having 4690k had no such problem and it also ran faster.
Now i was wondering if there is same micro shuttering issue with 3600 or 3700x and found some people on forum are also complaining regarding the issue on 3600/3700x.
.most of the reviewers are recommending 3600 for gaming.i also want to go for it as it is best bang for buck but i am afraid of those annoying micro shutters again ,so i am leaning towards 9700k(and sometime again back to ryzen).kindly help me decide what to do.thanks a lot.
One last thing-My last option ,buy now or wait for next cpu and gpu announcement .
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