[SOLVED] Ryzen 5 1600 or 3500 with rx 580. Which combo to go with. Also Should I buy it in August 2020 or should I wait for the price drop


Jul 29, 2020
Hello guys. I am a bit tight on budget so I am planning to buy ryzen 5 1600 or 3500 cpu along with rx 580 gpu. I am planning to buy the combo in August 2020 but I am confused whether I should go for 1600 or 3500. I also heard that amd is going to introduce new ryzen cpu's in the month of september 2020 and the prices of the older ryzen version will drop down. So my question is, will the price really drop down and I should wait for it or I should go ahead and buy the combo next month? Also guide me whether i should pair up rx 580 with r5 1600 or 3500. Your replies will be much appreciated. Thank you.
Imposible to know if AMD will bring all the new CPUs in september or only the high end ones, imposible to know how much will they take to get into the market, imposible to know if the old chips will go down fast enough (this will depend, among other things, on the old cpus stock, and the availability of the new ones).

As for which one you should get, right now I would go with the Ryzen 5 3500, for multiplayer FPS and esport titles, it will be the best choice. For everything else, and a mix of workloads like content creation + gaming the 1600 would be my choice.

If you are planing on streaming while gaming, keep in mind you could use a GPU for the streaming work, in this case I would really aim for an nvidia GPU, If the only thing...
Hello guys. I am a bit tight on budget so I am planning to buy ryzen 5 1600 or 3500 cpu along with rx 580 gpu. I am planning to buy the combo in August 2020 but I am confused whether I should go for 1600 or 3500. I also heard that amd is going to introduce new ryzen cpu's in the month of september 2020 and the prices of the older ryzen version will drop down. So my question is, will the price really drop down and I should wait for it or I should go ahead and buy the combo next month? Also guide me whether i should pair up rx 580 with r5 1600 or 3500. Your replies will be much appreciated. Thank you.
I'd get the Ryzen 5 3600 and a GTX 1650 Super. But before making any final decisions, let me know which motherboard you're pairing them with and which PSU model you have/will get. And also the max budget you wanna spend on the upgrade.
And you could also wait for the 4000s if you want(September is just 2 months away)
Yes but my budget is restricted and that's why I am planning to buy r5 1600 or 3500 with rx 580 gpu. If u could help me in choosing between the 2 cpu's. I have psu antec vp550p plus 550w. Regarding the mobo, I am still deciding which one to buy. If u could help me that too, I will appreciate it. So due to budget restriction, I am going to buy r5 1600 or 3500 along with rx 580 or any other combo that falls within the same price range. But I am not sure which one to buy and also whether I should wait for the new ryzen processor to come out so that the price of the earlier versions like r5 1600 or 3500 drops down or there are very little chances that the price would fall down and therefore I should go ahead and purchase the combo. Kindly guide me.
Yes but my budget is restricted and that's why I am planning to buy r5 1600 or 3500 with rx 580 gpu. If u could help me in choosing between the 2 cpu's. I have psu antec vp550p plus 550w. Regarding the mobo, I am still deciding which one to buy. If u could help me that too, I will appreciate it. So due to budget restriction, I am going to buy r5 1600 or 3500 along with rx 580 or any other combo that falls within the same price range. But I am not sure which one to buy and also whether I should wait for the new ryzen processor to come out so that the price of the earlier versions like r5 1600 or 3500 drops down or there are very little chances that the price would fall down and therefore I should go ahead and purchase the combo. Kindly guide me.
isn't RX 580 more expensive than 1650 Super(It should be in your region)? Save some money by getting a 1650 Super and add that to the CPU and you'll get 3600 :) (GTX1650 Super > RX580).

And about the mobo, get one which says ryzen 3000 ready and has all the features you need. if possible link me to the ones available. Are you buying online?

I can't say anything about price drops though.
Yes but my budget is restricted and that's why I am planning to buy r5 1600 or 3500 with rx 580 gpu. If u could help me in choosing between the 2 cpu's. I have psu antec vp550p plus 550w. Regarding the mobo, I am still deciding which one to buy. If u could help me that too, I will appreciate it. So due to budget restriction, I am going to buy r5 1600 or 3500 along with rx 580 or any other combo that falls within the same price range. But I am not sure which one to buy and also whether I should wait for the new ryzen processor to come out so that the price of the earlier versions like r5 1600 or 3500 drops down or there are very little chances that the price would fall down and therefore I should go ahead and purchase the combo. Kindly guide me.
How old is that PSU?
Thank u for ur quick reply. Actually I am getting a used rx580 for 10k with 1 year warranty and that's why I am considering to buy that. Thank u for clearing my doubts. I just have 1 more question. Which processor would be better according to u to pair up with rx580, the r5 1600 or 3500? R5 1600 has more number of threads than 3500. And 3500 is newer than 1600. Also as they are priced closely, I am a bit confused between the 2 of them. If u could help in this regard. Thank u again.
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Imposible to know if AMD will bring all the new CPUs in september or only the high end ones, imposible to know how much will they take to get into the market, imposible to know if the old chips will go down fast enough (this will depend, among other things, on the old cpus stock, and the availability of the new ones).

As for which one you should get, right now I would go with the Ryzen 5 3500, for multiplayer FPS and esport titles, it will be the best choice. For everything else, and a mix of workloads like content creation + gaming the 1600 would be my choice.

If you are planing on streaming while gaming, keep in mind you could use a GPU for the streaming work, in this case I would really aim for an nvidia GPU, If the only thing available is the RX 580, then I would probably pick the Ryzen 5 1600, the extra threads will help you with gaming+streaming.
Thank u for your reply. Just a quick question.
If I have a budget of 40-50k including the monitor, how would u suggest me to configure the complete gaming pc? What all are the components that you would suggest me to pair up together to build a gaming pc in my budget? Thanks in advance.
Thank u for your reply. Just a quick question.
If I have a budget of 40-50k including the monitor, how would u suggest me to configure the complete gaming pc? What all are the components that you would suggest me to pair up together to build a gaming pc in my budget? Thanks in advance.
Thank u for your reply. Just a quick question.
If I have a budget of 40-50k including the monitor, how would u suggest me to configure the complete gaming pc? What all are the components that you would suggest me to pair up together to build a gaming pc in my budget? Thanks in advance.
A completely separate build? Or you're gonna keep some components of your present PC?
Imposible to know if AMD will bring all the new CPUs in september or only the high end ones, imposible to know how much will they take to get into the market, imposible to know if the old chips will go down fast enough (this will depend, among other things, on the old cpus stock, and the availability of the new ones).

As for which one you should get, right now I would go with the Ryzen 5 3500, for multiplayer FPS and esport titles, it will be the best choice. For everything else, and a mix of workloads like content creation + gaming the 1600 would be my choice.

If you are planing on streaming while gaming, keep in mind you could use a GPU for the streaming work, in this case I would really aim for an nvidia GPU, If the only thing available is the RX 580, then I would probably pick the Ryzen 5 1600, the extra threads will help you with gaming+streaming.
Thank you for ur reply. Much appreciated.
Ryzen 5 3600 + Mobo + 1650 super + 75hz monitor + 8 gb RAM will cost about 500-540$. (I kept the PSU, storage and casing out of consideration).
Or should I include them?
Thank u again. Please include them as well. Also if u know about any particular mobo that fits the budget, kindly include that too. I appreciate the efforts u r putting in to help me.
Which 1600? There's 2. The original is the 1600-AK (14nm), which was plagued with ram issues that got mostly cleared up with bios releases. Later, after the 2000 series was released, and released the 1600-AF (12nm) which for all intents and purposes is a refresh yet slightly downscaled version of the 2600. Quite superior to the 1600-AK.

Honestly, with a 580, I'd be looking at the R3 3300x, it should be cheaper than the 3500, will get similar fps and still beats either of the 1600's.
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5uQGT3GReRk
Hello guys. I am a bit tight on budget so I am planning to buy ryzen 5 1600 or 3500 cpu along with rx 580 gpu. I am planning to buy the combo in August 2020 but I am confused whether I should go for 1600 or 3500. I also heard that amd is going to introduce new ryzen cpu's in the month of september 2020 and the prices of the older ryzen version will drop down. So my question is, will the price really drop down and I should wait for it or I should go ahead and buy the combo next month? Also guide me whether i should pair up rx 580 with r5 1600 or 3500. Your replies will be much appreciated. Thank you.
I have a rx 580 and ryzen 5 2600. The 2600 is similar to the 1600af. I would say go with whichever is cheaper. And yes it is true, the 3500 is better than 2600 in some titles but not by a lot. If you look at the comparison videos, the cpu utilization is quite high for 3500 while it's low for the 2600. I think for futureproof, the 2600 is better. If the 1600 (make sure it's the af model) is cheaper, go with that one