Ryzen 5 1600 - Won't boot/No display signal

Mar 2, 2018
Fresh Build.

Asus B350 Plus
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 CPU
700Watt EVGA PSU
Samsung M.2 Nvme
Corsair Vengeance 2400 MHZ

No post with Ryzen. No video signal. Was told RAM compatibility was the issue. Tryed 3 different types of RAM. All three are on AMD's Ryzen Compatibility list aswell as ASUS compatibility list. Still no post or video signal.

Was then told the Mother Board Bios needed updating. So I bought a cheap A6 9500 chip and the build does Post. I updated the BIOS, swithed back to the ryzen Chip and then Nothing. Won't post.

I installed windows using the A chip. Computer is fully operational with the A chip. It's almost as if the Mother Board cannot see my GPU untill windows boots. I only get signal from the RX 460 when windows boots. In order to see the bios setting I have to switch to on board graphics.

I've been reading posts for days and I'm baffled. If someone could please tell me what I'm doing wrong I'd greatly appreciate it! I've tried everything. From arranging the ram in different slots to using a different HDMI cable.


I'm using a monitor. Its boots with the a6 9500 CPU with on board graphics. Also, once it does boot I can unplug from On board board graphics and plug into the RX 460 and I have video. And if I try to restart with the a6 9500 with the HDMI plugged into Rx 460 I get no signal until windows login screen then it turns on. When o switch to the ryzen chip I get nothing at all.

BIOS is updated. I went out and bought the A6 9500 just so that I could update the BIOS. Don't have another card to try. But l like I said the card works once booted into windows. Shows up in system hardware and everything. I bought the card locally brand new so I think I'm going to return it and get another one or similar priced GTX 1050 instead. IDK what to do... I'm hoping for a solution I got a lot of money tied up in this machine and all it is good for is a paper weight at the moment.


Ah, so maybe I have to go into the bios and disable onboard graphics? So when it boots its only using the PCIE graphics card. Cause now come to think of it when two monitors are in use only one monitor shows the boot up screen.

When I get home I will search through the bios to see if I can figure out how to disable on board and enable PCIE as the only source of graphics.

With ryzen there is no support for onboard graphics so if the bios is set as on board as the main source then that could be whats keeping it from booting.
Ok so I've got some progress but still not fully fixed. I've got the computer to boot with the ryzen chip but I cannot get into bios. I returned the Radeon Rx 460 and purchased a Asus rx560 to match the board. Monitor turns on when windows login screen is displayed. No signal before no matter if I tap del or f2.... Weird, huh???? I cannot enter the BIOS at all.... But it's running smooth. Might have to do over clocking from within windows. Is it possible to get the most out of my setup without being able to enter the BIOS?